. Write a short summary of topics covered in Chapters 5-9.
· What school characteristics and practices have been most successful in helping all students achieve at high level ?
· How could we adopt those characteristics and practices in our own school?
· What commitments would we have to make to one another to create such a school?
· What indicators could we monitor to assess our progress?
· When the staff has built shared knowledge and found common ground on these questions, the school has a solid foundation for moving forward with its improvement initiative.
· As the school moves forward, every professional in the building must engage with colleagues in the ongoing exploration of three crucial questions that drive the work of those within a professional learning community:
1. What do we want each student to learn?
2. How will we know when each student has learned it?
3. How will we respond when a student experiences difficulty in learning?
The answer to the third question separates learning communities from traditional schools. DuFour