Choose an empirical research article relevant to Sex and Gender in Society published in 2018 or later from one of the following journals:
Archives of Sexual Behavior
Sex Roles
Psychology of Women Quarterly
Gender & Society
Men and Masculinities
Journal of Sex Research
Violence Against Women
Write a 1-2 page double-spaced paper addressing the following questions:
What research question did the researchers seek to address?
What were the primary conclusions of the study? In your own words, how could you explain these results to somewhat without knowledge of Sex and Gender in Society?
How does this study relate to the Sex and Gender in Society course material?
What (relevant) questions does this study not address that you think are important to consider?
What are the practical implications of this study? In other words, how do you think this study can be applied to education, policy, addressing health disparities, etc.?
Include the citation for the article you selected (ideally APA style) when you upload your assignment, or you will not receive credit