Doomed to Fail: A Case Study of Change Implementation Collapse In the Norwegian Civil Aviation Industry (attached) by Eric Lofquist (2011) outlines how managerial choices and response to change can determine the success or failure of a change initiative. Johnston, Lefort, & Tesvic (2017) surveyed over 2,000 executives to uncover Secrets of successful change implementation (Attached) Dora Wang (2017) compares companies who navigated change successfully and unsuccessfully in the article, Successful Organizational Change is Easier Than You Think (Attached)
Read all three articles. Based on your key takeaways from Lofquist’s case study and Johnston, Lefort, & Tesvic’s article, and using the examples from Wang’s article, what recommendations would you have made to the leadership of Walmart, JC Penny, and Borders? Please be sure to support your initial response with scholarly sources.