Answers should be based on the book “Changing American Families” by Judy R. Aulette
(Prompts to consider down below)
-Should be 6 paragraphs.
-2 citations from the book
A) What question(s), arguments, issue(s) does the author address?
B) What answer(s), arguments, are suggested?
C) What evidence or argument is presented to support the answer(s)?
D) Do you agree with the author’s position? Why or why not?
However, you do NOT need to refer to these questions if you’d like to go in your own, original direction.
A “reflection paper” is a thoughtful, reflexive response to the particular reading assigned. It shows you have read the material, it demonstrates that you have thought about the reading, it might incorporate examples from your personal life, your professional life, current events, or future concerns. You might cite particular sentences from the reading to make your point.