I will upload the book (The Goal ) and the instructions in the file, please read carefully and answer the 3 questions.
The Goal”When you prepare your book report, please use the three questions listed below as the basisfor crafting and organizing your thoughts/ideas about what the book tells you. You should begin the report with a brief synopsis, as cover page, discussing some key lessons from the reading.
Q1.It can be said that this book basically addresses and illustrates the underlying mechanisms of, so-called, “Factory Physics.” How does the book describe the key elements and the primary variables that pertain to factory physics? You may want to begin with identifying and defining each of the two key elements and three major variables and move on to discuss each factor’s implications for manufacturing operations and logistics/supply chain management.
Q2. What does the book recommend for plant operations to generate profits or simply make money? In so doing, please also discuss your understanding of “optimal” operations, as compared to “balanced” operations, as described in the book.
Q3. What is TOC (Theory of Constraints)? How is the concept defined/described in this book? And what is the set of key idea(s)/assumption(s) underlying the concept? Also, please try to discuss any implications of the concept for the broader-scale supply chain/logistics systems of firms.