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What is the premise behind supportive therapy groups?

August 14, 2022
Christopher R. Teeple

Peer Posts: Post two reflective peer responses

Two separate paragraphs
Two different peers

by Rheyanne

1. The nurse is leading a supportive therapy group for senior citizens who have lost their spouses. They are learning positive coping strategies to deal with a loss. What is the premise behind supportive therapy groups?

The premise behind supportive group therapy with older adult groups is to prompt discussion among the group attendees and allows the individuals to share their feelings and strategies for coping with the loss of a loved one (Agronin, M., 2009). This type of sharing in a group setting can help individuals learn from other people going through the same thing. It can help these people not feel so alone and it helps provide mutual support for all members of the group experiencing a loss of a loved one. There are many studies that have been conducted showing the evidence that group therapy for older adults reduces depression and social isolation in many individuals; these groups also improve participants’ quality of life, self-esteem and overall life satisfaction (Lonczak, 2021; Garvin, Gutierrez, & Galinsky, 2017).

How is the role of the nurse different than that of the group members?

The role of the nurse is to encourage the members to engage in discussion. The nurse must make sure to be aware of the many factors that will affect the type of group therapy to be provided and what should be discussed (Agronin, M., 2009). Some of these factors will be the level of cognition and physical abilities of the participants (Agronin, M., 2009). The nurse is there to motivate the group members and provide education and support throughout the discussions. It is also important for the nurse to be mindful of the challenges of sensory deficits and be able to show empathy, provide support and be able to make accommodations for such situations (Garvin, Gutierrez, & Galinsky, 2017). The nurse needs to be prepared to educate and answer questions in an easy-to-understand explanation for the participants and have an understanding that there may be a higher level of dependency with the older population (Garvin, Gutierrez, & Galinsky, 2017). The nurse should also be aware of the ongoing health of the group members and advocate for further assistance for individuals that may be noted to be deteriorating.

Conduct an online search, using the Internet, discussing group therapy as an intervention in the older adult population. Summarize the findings.

One of the sites I looked at talked about the many different types of groups offered for the older population and the different challenges that the group leader or nurse may face. One of the important pieces that I took from the site was that the leader should have a basic foundation of skills in all aspects of the aging demographic and how to support their needs within a group setting (Knight, 2009). Groups may also be in different settings depending on client abilities. Some of these groups may be in the community and some may be in a healthcare setting or long-term care home. I have found information on loneliness and social isolation proving to have huge health risks for many seniors (Grossman, 2020). Groups for seniors are a fantastic way for this population to build new relationships with like-minded people with similar interests and needs (Grossman, 2020). Group settings can help seniors flourish and improve their quality of life. Social interaction, community support, advice and skill building are important factors that may be beneficial to seniors and improve most determinants of health (Garvin, Gutierrez, & Galinsky, 2017). A challenge may be motivating the clients to attend the groups, whether it be in person or online. Many individuals may have a fear or phobia of the group setting and sharing personal feelings with others until they try it and find it helpful (Gaille, 2017). The group setting is powerful and provides members with a strong sense of belonging, connection and cohesion.

by Willow

1. The nurse is leading a supportive therapy group for senior citizens who have lost their spouses. They are learning positive coping strategies to deal with a loss

What is the premise behind supportive therapy groups?

Supportive groups can be the factor that helps individuals identify goals and act as a support network and help to obtain positive coping stratigies and skills. Other members of the group often help you come up with specific ideas for improving a difficult situation or life challenge, and hold you accountable along the way (American Psychological Association, 2019). The premise of supportive therapy groups is that you get together with people who are going through similar situations as yourself. In regard to supportive therapy group for senior citizens who have lost their spouses they are able to communicate with others that have gone through or are going through similar situations and hopfully identify healthy coping stratigies. Supportive therapies goal is not to “fix” but instead to help individuals cope.

How is the role of the nurse different than that of the group members?

The nurse’s role is different because of the group dynamic. The nurse acts as a team leader or facilitator and can help to direct the topics of discussion. This is known as a professional facilitator, where they do not share the members’ first-hand experience with the group issue/topic. As the nurse acts as a facilitator their role is to stimulate discussions designed to support and encourage progress for the group as a whole and for each member as an individual. Their main function is to foster communication among the group and to model effective interaction that members can emulate. Facilitators also provide an example of how to share in the group. They need to be able to maintain a safe environment, ensure a supportive environment, and demonstrate leadership. Whereas group members are there to participate in conversation and try to identify coping skills and share like experiences.

Conduct an online search, using the Internet, discussing group therapy as an intervention in the older adult population. Summarize the findings.

In regard to interventions group therapy can provide a space where individuals are able to identify coping strategies. Group therapy aims to show a reduction in negative symptoms, such as, poor motivation, as well as improvement in social functioning, better adjustment and improved interpersonal relationship skills (Ezhumalai, S., et al. 2018). This is a good intervention for adult failure to thrive. These groups allow for the older adult population to meet with other individuals who have been experiencing similar situations as themselves and allow for an environment where they are able to share experiences and coping skills and share their thoughts and feelings.

A) Research Elder-care resources in your community and identify different types of groups available to the older adult.

In my community I was able to identify many different resources available for older adults. There is a range of resources available including Parkinson Seniors Society, Seniors Outreach, Okanagan Mission Seniors Society. These different facilities offer many different groups for older adults within our community. Some of the groups I identified were group thereay sessions, game nights, yoga, painting, fitness to music, bridge, bingo, tai chi, computer lessons, and walking programs and grief groups (City of Kelowna, 2020). I was able to talk to an individual who attends one of these groups and they were able to share what an impact they make, they help to create new friendships and coping skills as well as having a space to interact and communicate with others.

B) The issues and needs of older adults differ from other client groups although therapeutic factors are still relevant. Identify the challenges in forming groups for older adults and discuss relevant health challenges. What are the benefits of group therapy in the older adult population?

I believe that there can be challenges with the accessibility to groups for older adults. Older adults may not have the ability or means for transportation to attend groups, they may also feel guarded when starting in a group. There are barriers with older adults that can pose as challenges while forming groups. Health challenges can also prove to be a challenge while forming groups, health challenges can make it hard for individuals to participate in groups or travel to the groups. Online groups can be challenging for individuals who are not comfortable with technology or don’t have the resources. These individuals may not be used to sharing their emotions or thoughts and find to hard to initially open up to the group, this is why creating guidelines and ensuring confidentiality can benefit the members. There are many benefits to group therapy in the older adult population. Group therapy allows for members to vocalize their feelings, examine behavior and dynamics, and problem solve/ create coping skills. Group therapy can allow individuals to find a sense of belonging and meet others who have experienced similar situations and can share their experience and their coping strategies.

by Willow Belanger – Tuesday, 9 August 2022, 11:24 AM
Activity 1

1. The nurse is leading a supportive therapy group for senior citizens who have lost their spouses. They are learning positive coping strategies to deal with a loss

What is the premise behind supportive therapy groups?

Supportive groups can be the factor that helps individuals identify goals and act as a support network and help to obtain positive coping stratigies and skills. Other members of the group often help you come up with specific ideas for improving a difficult situation or life challenge, and hold you accountable along the way (American Psychological Association, 2019). The premise of supportive therapy groups is that you get together with people who are going through similar situations as yourself. In regard to supportive therapy group for senior citizens who have lost their spouses they are able to communicate with others that have gone through or are going through similar situations and hopfully identify healthy coping stratigies. Supportive therapies goal is not to “fix” but instead to help individuals cope.

How is the role of the nurse different than that of the group members?

The nurse’s role is different because of the group dynamic. The nurse acts as a team leader or facilitator and can help to direct the topics of discussion. This is known as a professional facilitator, where they do not share the members’ first-hand experience with the group issue/topic. As the nurse acts as a facilitator their role is to stimulate discussions designed to support and encourage progress for the group as a whole and for each member as an individual. Their main function is to foster communication among the group and to model effective interaction that members can emulate. Facilitators also provide an example of how to share in the group. They need to be able to maintain a safe environment, ensure a supportive environment, and demonstrate leadership. Whereas group members are there to participate in conversation and try to identify coping skills and share like experiences.

Conduct an online search, using the Internet, discussing group therapy as an intervention in the older adult population. Summarize the findings.

In regard to interventions group therapy can provide a space where individuals are able to identify coping strategies. Group therapy aims to show a reduction in negative symptoms, such as, poor motivation, as well as improvement in social functioning, better adjustment and improved interpersonal relationship skills (Ezhumalai, S., et al. 2018). This is a good intervention for adult failure to thrive. These groups allow for the older adult population to meet with other individuals who have been experiencing similar situations as themselves and allow for an environment where they are able to share experiences and coping skills and share their thoughts and feelings.

Activity 2

A) Research Elder-care resources in your community and identify different types of groups available to the older adult.

In my community I was able to identify many different resources available for older adults. There is a range of resources available including Parkinson Seniors Society, Seniors Outreach, Okanagan Mission Seniors Society. These different facilities offer many different groups for older adults within our community. Some of the groups I identified were group thereay sessions, game nights, yoga, painting, fitness to music, bridge, bingo, tai chi, computer lessons, and walking programs and grief groups (City of Kelowna, 2020). I was able to talk to an individual who attends one of these groups and they were able to share what an impact they make, they help to create new friendships and coping skills as well as having a space to interact and communicate with others.

B) The issues and needs of older adults differ from other client groups although therapeutic factors are still relevant. Identify the challenges in forming groups for older adults and discuss relevant health challenges. What are the benefits of group therapy in the older adult population?

I believe that there can be challenges with the accessibility to groups for older adults. Older adults may not have the ability or means for transportation to attend groups, they may also feel guarded when starting in a group. There are barriers with older adults that can pose as challenges while forming groups. Health challenges can also prove to be a challenge while forming groups, health challenges can make it hard for individuals to participate in groups or travel to the groups. Online groups can be challenging for individuals who are not comfortable with technology or don’t have the resources. These individuals may not be used to sharing their emotions or thoughts and find to hard to initially open up to the group, this is why creating guidelines and ensuring confidentiality can benefit the members. There are many benefits to group therapy in the older adult population. Group therapy allows for members to vocalize their feelings, examine behavior and dynamics, and problem solve/ create coping skills. Group therapy can allow individuals to find a sense of belonging and meet others who have experienced similar situations and can share their experience and their coping strategies.

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