You are writing a business plan for new business and asking for a start up loan, You must answer and including the following in your plan.
I chose a new Peer Support Facility and I also included the plan in the files so you can have a better grasp of this assignment,
What is the market size in Guilford County, NC?
What is the market value in Guilford County, NC?
What is the number of potential customers in the target market?
What is the estimated customer spending in the target market per year ($)?
Are there any market trends? If so, please list.
How will the business be marketed? To hospitals, the court system, drug rehabilitation centers, etc.
Long-term debt payment is a key feature of the company’s financial plan, We expect to break within a time period following the introduction to our service.
Is the business seeking funding? Yes for start up
Business Start-up Loan Amount: 25,000
Loan Repayment Period: 5-10 years
How will the business use funding: Building expenses, office equipment expenses, marketing expenses, staffing, and staff training. This can be a chart of listed expenses.
What is the expected return (%)?
What is the break-even point?
Perform a SWOT analysis on the company
Describe the level of competition in the industry (low, moderate, highly competitive).
List main competitors.
List your competitive advantage/differentiating factors
Also add if requested loan is less or more then needed to cover start up