2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


What is the author’s argument?

October 7, 2021
Christopher R. Teeple

These 2 are the Mains Links for this Primary source analysis about Jim Crow— 500 Words please thank you!!
Conducting an analysis of the historical texts above will be challenging. The context of the author’s statements will not be obvious to you (and it might be contrary to what you think it is.) Each of these texts not only covers important under-addressed aspects of US history, but also covers these points in ways that will confuse you. (Such as by raising social assumptions that you don’t know of, or using language in unfamiliar ways. For example, I believe Frazier’s article is, for many, the most difficult.) Therefore, I urge you to take on this challenge and read your articles in full at least once before beginning your analysis.
Each of these articles brings to light the many ways in which countless people–and especially Black scholars–have long understood racism to be structural, and prejudice to be unfounded and unjust. In this way, they provide a unique window into the views of their times. Some views contained in these papers will sound identical to what we hear and say today. Some reflect ideas and conditions that are unique to their historical context. It will be your job to discern: What is the author’s argument? What kind of views are they arguing against? What is their evidence? What political and social influence or power do they have? If they have power, how do they use it?
NOTE: I will not accept analyses where students copy and paste from the original text. This is because the language in these articles is antiquated, and it is your job to restate the ideas in today’s language.
ALSO NOTE: Over time, language changes. Historically terms like “freedmen” and “negroes” were used to refer to Black people / African-Americans. Today, because language has evolved, we do not use these terms anymore. Please be careful to *not* adopt the terminology of your historical document when writing your analysis, unless you are explicitly discussing these antiquated terms.
Use the “JD-Primary Source Analysis” chart to help you develop your ideas. JD-Primary-Source-Analysis.pdf
Type your responses to the questions from the chart in a separate word document.
In the same word document, you must continue your analysis by developing at least two or three questions you have about the source. For example, you may consider what about the source makes you curious/doubtful/confused, or consider what additional information you would like to know to deepen your understanding. I do not accept variations of “I have no questions” as a response. Your questions make up 10 points of your final grade.
In your responses, please be sure to include consideration of how you think the author was influenced by their ideological, political and socioeconomic context, and what kind of audience and impact/relevance might this primary source have had historically. This means that you will likely need to conduct research on the author of the source. Remember: because these documents address issues pertaining to race, the race/ethnicity of the author is pertinent. Other factors like nationality, birthplace, education, etc may be pertinent too.
Your responses must be written in full sentences, and have at least 500 words.
**Please see this example of an excellent primary source analysis.
**What are primary sources? (For reference)
Final Note: The historical reports I am assigning here were secondary documents in their own time. That is, they were produced by experts who collected primary data elsewhere and then wrote their conclusions to share with the public. This is different than, for instance, a diary or letter, which are also common examples of primary sources. Nevertheless, many social scientists today (myself included) look at these kinds of historical reports as primary sources when we want to analyze how scientists viewed problems and offered solutions in their day. For that reason, I offer them to you as primary sources that provide evidence of the past state of social science.

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