Some questions to help you brainstorm:
Who are you? Make this distinctive, catchy and unique
What kinds of issues or causes do you believe are most pressing or most urgently need attention in our world or our community? (***** I am a mental health advocate****)
What is it that makes you care about these causes? What are your values?
What kind of contribution do you want to make to your community or the world, and how?
Briefly trace the history of your interest in health and human services: Was there something or someone in your personal history or family background that led you in this direction?
Who do you want to be? Provide details and examples.
What have you learned about who you are and what you are good at that makes you appropriate for the health and human services profession? You may want to discuss your experiences with classes, your internship, prior work experience, etc. in relation to this question
Do you think you will go on to work after graduation, or on to graduate school?
What professional goals would you like to accomplish for yourself in the next three to five years? Where would you like to see yourself professionally in the next 10 years?
What knowledge and skills do you need to continue developing as you enter your next human services experience? Identify at least three to five goals for your own continued learning as well as a few strategies for achieving these goals.
Close with a statement of your mission or vision
Indicate clearly what you see as a major goal or mission for your life
Communicate your passion for what you want to do