Question and answer
Topic: What is Culture? Culture and Learning in the Classroom
Sources to be used, no outside sources.
Nieto & Bode, Ch 5, Culture, Identity and Learning
In Nieto & Bode, Affirming Diversity, Part II, Chapter 6 Linguistic Diversity in US Classrooms, pp. 184-200
Part II, Chapter 4: Structural and Organizational Issues in Classrooms and Schools, pp. 91-12
Number 1: Use three sources to come up with a question and answer on readings. Provide the question you came up with then provide an answer to the question you came up with. Make sure it is not a close ended question, make sure someone can respond to it for a deep discussion. Then answer the following question using specific source.
Number 2: answer the following questions.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: the native language of an emergent bilingual student can be a strong foundation for future learning? Why?
(Use source: in nieto & bode, affirming diversity, part 2, chapter 6 linguistic diversity in US classrooms pp.184-200)
In regard to parental/guardian communication, what are some ways teachers can talk to parents/guardians about hybridity if parents feel their child’s education shouldn’t include information on fluidity and multiplicity in identity? (Use source: Nieto & Bode,ch 5,culture,identity and learning)