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What is a Definition Argument?

July 1, 2021
Christopher R. Teeple

MLA format & MLA citation
For this essay, you will write an essay (1000 Word Minimum) arguing for your definition of happiness. Your essay must include The Four Pillars of Argument.
Here is a suggested outline, but feel free to structure your argument as you see fit.
– Introduction: Establish a context for the argument by explaining the need for defining the term; presents the essay’s thesis.
– Evidence (first point in support of thesis): Provides a short definition of the term as well as an extended definition (if necessary) Evidence (second point in support of thesis): Shows how the term does or does not fit the definition
– Refutation of opposing arguments: Addresses questions about or objections to the definition; considers and rejects other possible meanings (if any)
– Conclusion: Reinforces the main point of the argument; includes a strong concluding statement.
What is a Definition Argument?
When your argument depends on the meaning of a key term or concept, it makes sense to structure your essay as a definition argument. In this type of essay, you will argue that something fits (or does not fit) the definition of a particular class of items. For example, to argue that Facebook’s News Feed is a legitimate research source, you would have to define legitimate research source and show that Facebook’s News Feed fits this definition.
Many arguments focus on definitions. Consider the following questions:
Is spanking child abuse?
Should offensive speech be banned on campus?
Should the rich pay more taxes that others?
Is cheer leading a sport?
You cannot answer these questions without providing definitions. In fact, if you were writing an argumentative essay in response to one of these questions, much of your essay would be devoted to defining and discussing a key term.
Is spanking child abuse? (child abuse must be defined)
Should offensive speech be banned on campus? (offensive speech must be defined)
Should the rich pay more taxes that others? (rich must be defined)
Is cheer leading a sport? (sport must be defined)
Definitions can be fluid. For example, fifty years ago the word family generally referred to one or more children living with two heterosexual married parents. Now, the term can refer to a wide variety of situations–children living with single parents, gay and lesbian couples, and unmarried heterosexual couples, for example. Our definition of what constitutes cruel and unusual punishment has also changed. Public hanging, a common method of executions for hundreds of years, is now considered barbaric.
Developing Definitions
Definitions explain terms that are unfamiliar to an audience. To make your definitions as clear as possible, avoid making them too narrow, too broad, or circular.
Too narrow: A definition that is too narrow leaves out information that is necessary for understanding a particular word or term. For example, if you define apple as a “red fruit” your definition is too narrow because not all apples are red.
Too broad: A definition that is too broad includes things that should not be part of the definition. If, for example, you define chair as “something that people sit on,” your definition includes things that are not chairs–stools, park benches, and even tree stumps.
Circular: A circular definition includes the word being defined as part of the definition. For example, if you define patriotism as “the quality of being patriotic” , your definition is circular.
The success of a definition argument depends on your ability to define a term or concept so that readers (even those who do not agree with your position) will see its validity. For this reason, the rhetorical strategies you use to develop your definitions are important.
Here are some possible strategies for writing an extended definition; do not feel compelled to use them all:
Stipulate your precise meaning, but don’t begin with a dictionary definition unless you plan to use it or disagree with it.
Provide examples of the term.
Explain the function or purpose of the term.
Explore the etymology (origin and history of a word). The most fruitful source for such explorations is the Oxford English Dictionary.
Examine connotations of the term.
Discuss what it is not (Negation). Use this sparingly!
Draw analogies.

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