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What in your experience or research supports your assertions?

August 23, 2021
Christopher R. Teeple

Write a 300- to 500-word response to the following:
Conduct research and review the readings for this week on ethics. Share with us what you learned about ethics in research and how you will support ethics for your study.
Include your own experience as well as two citations that align with or contradict your comments as sourced from peer-reviewed academic journals, industry publications, books, and/or other sources. Cite and reference your readings in APA 7th ed.
If you found contradicting information to what your experience tells you, explain why you agree or disagree with the research.
Read others’ posts and respond in 250-300 words to at least two of your course colleagues. Why do you agree or disagree with their post? What in your experience or research supports your assertions? Remember to cite your sources in APA 7th ed.
Part 2 – Response 1: Miltonette Krummen
8/20/21, 1:02 AM NEW
Hello Dr. Ballaro and Class,
As with anything in life, having ethics and living by those ethics are two different things. One represents what a person was taught and learned, and the other is the practice of ethics taught or learned. If a researcher leads with ethical behavior or a moral character, there will be no questions or second guessing throughout the study. Asking oneself questions at every part of the study (how, what, why, will, etc.,) will enable the research study to flow on an ethical path. For example, how does ethical compass affect the research problem, the purpose, research design/questions/sample, have all the consent forms been received, protecting the participants, and in an impasse (SAGE Publications, 2020).
As in the history of research study, there are ethical and unethical examples. For instance, the weekly reading identified the Tuskegee Syphilis Study as an unethical study that started off unethical and continued that path which ultimately led to the premature deaths of some of the participants (SAGE Publication, 2020). A change in how research participants were treated, and their rights changed for the better after the horrible treatment the Jews received in the Nazi concentration camps. Currently, participants require a consent with the particulars of the research study, and they must sign the form. The participants are free to withdraw from any part of the study or all of it at any time. The data collected from the participant also must be protected to include their identity and separated from the other data collected to ensure privacy.
In my career, we have process improvement teams that work through a particular process with responsible departments and subject matter experts. Each participant signs an agreement that only the following will be known by the those outside the team: the improved process with charts and descriptions, the participants names (picked by department managers), and the Six Sigma black belt counselor. We had an unethical situation in our HR department because the director’s husband worked on the production line, therefore no complaints were reported against him or their floor manager, even though there is a drop box.
SAGE Publications, Inc. (2020). Qualitative methods and design (custom electronic ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA; SAGE Publications
Part 2 – Response 2:
Gabrielle Miliner
8/18/21, 2:32 PM NEW
Ethical considerations form a most critical component in research. The researcher must adhere to endorse the intentions of the research conveying authentic information, truth, and prevention of mistakes (Chetty, 2016). Additionally, adhering to ethics allows scholars to promote a collaborative tactic with peers, mentors, and other contributors to the study. Additional ethical attention in research denotes accountability towards the general public by shielding the subjects used in the study. There are quite a few explanations why it is imperative to adhere to ethical standards in research. First, standards promote the aims of the investigation; for example, proscriptions against fabricating, falsifying, or misrepresenting research information promote the truth and minimize error (Resnik, 2020).
Secondly, since research frequently encompasses cooperation and coordination amongst several different individuals in diverse disciplines and institutions, ethical values endorse the standards indispensable to collaborative work, such as trust, answerability, reciprocated respect, and fairmindedness. For instance, many ethical standards in research, such as guiding principles for writing, copyright sharing policies, and confidentiality rules in peer review, are intended to protect intellectual property interests. At the same time, inspiring collaboration as such researchers wants to obtain credit for their contributions and not have their ideas stolen or disclosed prematurely.
Research transgressions can have disastrous consequences significantly if a researcher alters their results based on false data. Therefore, central principles guide ethical decision-making, and you must have a dedication to moral values. This principle means that when researchers electing an ethical behavior, even if it postpones your research or means not getting published in a prestigious journal (Enago Academy, 2021).
Research participants must be aware regarding Informed consent. Informed consent is a crucial value of research ethics. It is significant for those invited to partake in your research to comprehend both the pros and the cons involved. They must receive all relevant information that could affect their decision to participate. Accordingly, each probable research participant should know:
Why the study is being done, how long it will last, and what methods will be used
Whether they have the right not to participate or to leave the study at any time
What are the possible risks or benefits involved, if any?
What are the limits of confidentiality(circumstances under which their identity might be revealed?
Whom they can contact for their queries.
Lastly, reviewing the CITI program provided a wealth of information regarding ethical guidelines. Although it was a long process it was worth it.
Chetty, P. (2016). Importance of ethical considerations in a research. https://www.projectguru.in/importance-ethical-considerations-research/#:~:text=Elements%20of%20ethical%20considerations%20in%20a%20research%201,%205%20Following%20guidelines%20and%20avoid%20plagiarism.%20
Enago Academy. (2021). Research ethics & misconduct: what researchers need to know. https://www.enago.com/academy/principles-of-ethical-research/
Resnik, D. (2020). What is ethics in research & why is it important? https://www.niehs.nih.gov/research/resources/bioethics/whatis/index

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