What have you learned in psychology? How does it pertain to your life? I want you to wrap up your learning and revisit concepts that YOU found most relevant and relatable. If I were to meet you in 5 years what would you remember most from this course. I want you to then create a 2 page infographic on the top 10 things you have learned in psychology (#1-5 on page 1, #6-10 on page 2). If you find a one-page infographic template, that is fine, I just do not want more than 2 pages. Rank order your topics so that #1 is the most important, and so on.
You must tie each concept to something in your life or a real-world situation. Be sure you are applying or relating the concept correctly, and using novel examples. Try to use a variety of concepts across the year in psychology. Each concept/topic of your list should be approximately 3-6 sentences long. Make sure your infographic is visually appealing, professional looking, use appropriate colours, graphics and images.
Another Example: In Chapter 14 we learn about Freud’s idea of defense mechanisms. One idea for my Top 10 List might include: “# 3. Sublimation (Chapter 14). Sublimation is a defense mechanism put forth by Freud that suggests that our unacceptable urges and desires are manifested or transformed in a socially acceptable manner. As a mother of three boys, I have noticed that when my kids were younger they seemed to be physically rambunctious with one another and constantly fighting with one another. I often found myself telling them that they shouldn’t be fighting and that ‘good’ kids do hit one another. Throughout their childhood my children were always actively involved in sports. Their gravitation towards sports is likely a form of sublimation whereby they can expend their physical urges in a socially acceptable way.
There are several websites that provide free infographic templates – such as Canva.com and Piktograph.com. Be sure to upload your final infographic assignment as a PDF document to OWL by 11:55pm Friday July 22nd, 2022.
Be sure not to plagiarize any of your work. All Infographics will be subjected to Turnitin analysis.