Watch the following videos :
Dirt on Hotels, Part #1 and 2, Season 40 (Found on the GEM CBC app)
Starting on page 136 in the textbook, there are classifications identified for hotels.
Review these criteria, and think about the price that would be associated with these classification levels. Look at the types of hotels that were identified in the video. What does this tell you about the hotels and the issues of cleanliness?
There are various departments within the hotel/motel structure. Do you think that this affects the cleanliness standards? Why or why not?
2.The term greenwashing, also called green sheen, is a way for businesses to make themselves seem environmentally friendly. Actions like not washing towels, linens, etc in hotels on a daily basis is part of this. Do you think that the rush to clean and cleaning improperly may be part of this? Why or why not?
This assignment must be two pages, double-spaced. You do not need to include the questions. Include your name, student ID number and course and section number