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Use Times New Roman Type, with 12 cpi. Margins may be half an inch or one inch. Include the question (single-spaced). Then space two lines, and include your answer, single-spaced. Space two lines, and write out the next question, etc. NEVER use more than double spacing anywhere in your assignments.
Answer the study questions for Chapter 14:
BOOK: Bloom, M., Fischer, J. & Orme, J. G. (2009). Evaluating practice: Guidelines for the Accountable Professional (6th edition). New York: Pearson
1. What does ‘experimental’ mean, in the context of SSDs?
2. Why may the more experimental SSDs be useful?
3. After baselining a child’s on task behavior (the A phase), the social worker implements a program that involves reinforcing remaining seated at the student’s desk. On task behavior increases during this B phase. For the purposes of demonstrating the causal effects of the reinforcement program, the social work stops reinforcing being seated, and instead begins a program where the child in reinforced for being away from the desk. Call this a C phase. What type of design is this, a reversal, or a withdrawal? Why?
4. When would you absolutely not want to remove an intervention?
5. How is the A-B-A design a potential improvement over the A-B design, in terms of internal validity? Why?
6. For what types of intervention would an A-B-A design NOT be appropriate?
7. Describe how you can introduce the A-B-A design to clients.
8. How is the A-B-A-B a methodological improvement over the A-B-A design?
9. What are a few of the strengths and limitations of the A-B-A-B design?
10. Describe how carryover effects and irreversible treatments can compromise the internal validity of an A-B-A-B study.
11. What can the B-A-B design be used for? What are its strengths and limitations?
12. Write out a thoughtful question or comments about this chapter.
B. Read the following chapter, focusing on the ABA study reported on pp. 125-129 (i.e., Practice Drawing on Operant Learning Principles–the intervention on safety belt use). The chapter is posted in the course library found on the Bb site.
Thyer, B. A., Thyer, K. B., & Massa, S. (1991). Behavioral analysis and therapy in the field of gerontology. In P. K. H. Kim (Ed.), Serving the elderly: Skills for practice. (pp. 117-135). New York: Aldine de Gruyter.
Answer the following questions about it:
1. What was the issue/problem being addressed?
2. What was the outcome measure? How was reliability determined and what was found? Is this satisfactory, for evaluation purposes?
3. What was the intervention? Do you believe it to be adequately operationalized, so that other could replicate the essential features of the intervention?
4. What were the results?
5. How credible are the authors’ conclusions that the intervention caused the observed changes? Explain you answer.
6. What makes this an ‘experimental’ study, in the parlance of SSDs?
7. How could this study have been improved?
8. Write out a thoughtful question or comment about this chapter.
C. Watch the following video on A-B-A-B designs, and answer its associated questions:
1. What is a AB design?
2. What is the baseline logic?
3. What is the difference between an AB and an ABA design? Explain the logic behind an ABA design.
4. What are some advantages and disadvantages of an ABAB design.
5. What is meant by Internal Validity? What is meant by External Validity?
D. Watch this 15 minute video on preparing A-B-A-B designs using MicroSoft Excel.
Prepare such a graph, using hypothetical data, with at least six data points per phase. Label phases and axes appropriately. ONE client. One outcome measure with at least six data points per phase. One line only of data in each A, B, A and B phase. Use solid black circles for your data points. NO overlap in the data point values between adjacent phases. One treatment. Attach this graph as the last page of your assignment.
Here is an example of what your originally created graph should look like(but with more data points per phase): Attached to files