Read these articles before answering the questions below: Brown, J., Bearman, M., Kirby, C., Molloy, E., Colville, D., & Nestel, D. (2019). Theory, a lost character? As presented in general practice education research papers. Medical Education, 53(5), 443–457. (Links to an external site.) Jaraith, N. N., Peden-McAlpine, C. J., Sullivan, M. C., Vessey, J. A., & Henly, S. J. (2018). Theory and theorizing in nursing science: Commentary from the Nursing Research Special Issue Editorial Team. Nursing Research, 67(2), 188–195. Pickler R. H. (2018). Theory use and usefulness in scientific advancement. Nursing Research, 67(2), 61–62. (Links to an external site.)
Submit a Word document in which you respond to the following questions using correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and format. Be parsimonious in your responses. Avoid writing more than 6-8 sentences for each item, and if you can respond to the item accurately using fewer sentences, please do so. Using first person is acceptable for this assignment.
1. What do you see as the relationship between science, theory, and practice with regard to the concepts of interest you identified this semester? (My concept of interest is Standardized mentoring)
2. In pondering your concept analyses and your project, how would information offered by Brown et al. (2019) facilitate your thinking about the role of theory in your projects?
3. Jaraith et al. (2018) and Pickler (2018) discussed the metaparadigms of nursing theory.
a) What are your thoughts regarding the current nursing theory metaparadigm concepts in relation to the evolving focus and boundaries of the domain of nursing and its knowledge development today and in the future?
b) Thinking inter-professionally as future DNP prepared nurses, how do you envision your role in shaping future nursing science? Figure 1 in Jaraith et al. (2018) may help as you clarify your thinking.