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Language and Communication: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Series Synopsis
The series narrative follows Buffy Summers (played by Sarah Michelle Gellar), the latest in a line of young women known as “Vampire Slayers”, or simply “Slayers”. In the story, Slayers, or the “Chosen Ones”, are chosen by fate to battle against vampires, demons, and other forces of darkness. Buffy wants to live a normal life, but as the series progresses, she learns to embrace her destiny. Like previous Slayers, a Watcher, who guides, teaches, and trains her, aids Buffy. Unlike her predecessors, Buffy surrounds herself with a circle of loyal friends who become known as the “Scooby Gang”.
Hush – Season 4 Episode 10 (1999) Written and Directed by Joss Whedon
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Watch the episode and answer the following discussion topics/questions. You may answer a single discussion topic/question or multiple ones. Your responses should be at least 8 to 10 sentences in length.
1. In the beginning of the episode, when the characters can speak, what do we see happening with the characters in terms of communication? Use specific examples.
2. When the characters lose their voices, they are forced to use kinesics to communicate. How successful is it at communication? Where do we see miscommunication? Do we appear to lose any sense of meaning when using only kinesics? Use specific examples.
3. In this episode society falls apart with the loss of language. Why would this be? Why is language necessary for human society?