Write a highly analytical, THESIS-driven essay of approximately 300 – 350 words on ONLY ONE (1) of the following famous soliloquies:
A) To be or not to be —that is the question…..”
(Act 3, Scene 1, lines 64 – 98)
–spoken by Hamlet,
B) “O, my offense is rank, it smells to heaven….”
(Act 3, Scene 3, lines 40 -76),
— spoken by King Claudius.
Explain and discuss WHAT the soliloquy is about: what theme/s are presented in the soliloquy? What dilemma is the character confronting?
Describe and explain the internal conflict the character is struggling with. You may want to also explain and discuss the impact this struggle is having on the character’s health and emotional / psychological well-being.