Book review on The Bright Continent, Breaking Rules and Making Change in Modern Africa, by Dayo Olopade, 2014. The review should be double spaced and no less than two pages, no more than three pages.
Note that this is a book review, not a book report. You are to offer a short synopsis, but also include your thoughts about the book. What did you agree with, or disagree with? Did you love it or did you hate it, or did it leave you not feeling much at all? Did it differ from other books you’ve read or heard about on Africa, and if so, what makes it different? What did the author do well, where the author fall short? How does the book relate to African-led development? How does it relate to the common narrative on Africa? Your book review can answer any or all of these questions, or cover other issues that you think are important.
Here’s a TED Talk with the author: