Hello, Dear Sirs
I need a Systematic Literature Review paper with 10 pages about Drug shortages in the Canadian hospital pharmacy supply chain.
Please tell me how much, and when you can finish it and send it to me, please note that I can give you one week or two weeks or three weeks to finish this work, just give me the exact time.
This research paper should include the following subtitles:
Abstract, introduction, literature review, mythology, results, discussion, conclusion, and recommendations, and references “at least I need about 50 recent references and they have to be from 2016 till now”.
{PLEASE NOTE that in the research paper, please cover the points below and you can put them or create as subtitles as well}
In the paper, please justify how the drug shortage is a complicated issue worldwide and then more specifically in the hospital pharmacy. Please illustrate that with statistics, tables and figures.
In the paper, please describe the drug shortage situation in the Canadian hospital pharmacy before COVID-19 and after and discuss that by giving facts and statistics, and tables or figures.
Subtitles or points that have to covered in the paper
1. The current characterization of hospital’s pharmacy supply chain design in Canada in terms of drug shortage.
2. The supply chain and the inventory management strategies and techniques which used in the Canadian hospital pharmacies
3. Identification of the critical factors in a hospital’s pharmacy supply chain design, highlight the knowledge gaps in these factors, what are the top factors, what are the solutions if there are any. Please provide tables, figures and statistics.
4. Identification of the critical factors in the hospital’s pharmacy supply chain design during COVID-19. What are the top factors before COVID-19 and after, are they the same or they are different, what are the solutions if there is any. Please justify that and provide tables, figures and statistics as illustrations.
5. Please provide in a table, the articles (at least 15 articles or more, and up to date articles, recent 5 years) which have a research in the domain of drug shortages in General and then specifically in the hospital pharmacy supply chain (at least 15 articles or more, and up to date articles, recent 5 years)
This table, include (articles authors, titles, methodology, objectives, solutions, limitations, and results), then provide a brief discussion about this table
6. As the Pharmacy inventory management is a complex and critical process within the healthcare delivery system in general and specifically in the hospital pharmacy, please justify that and provide the inventory management optimization models which are used to solve the drug shortages problems in the hospital pharmacy.
– What are the challenges, solutions, and our recommendations?
– What are the top three models that can help the decision makers and stakeholders in the hospital pharmacy to make their decisions.
Please use the following Keywords: Drug Shortages; Inventory Shortage; Hospital pharmacy; supply chain; COVID-19. Optimization.