METHODS (1 page)
What is the design of this study? What are the strengths and limitations of this design to answer the research question in the article? Who is the population under study? Were there specific inclusion or exclusion criteria for participating in the study? Did the authors clearly define the exposure(s) and health outcome(s) of interest? What measures and measures of association did the authors report? Are actual values reported (e.g., prevalence, incidence), not just the results of statistical tests?
USING HEADING DISCUSSION and do one page for the following: What are the strengths of this study?
What are the limitations?
Assess possible non-causal explanations for the study’s findings (e.g. bias, confounding, random chance). Also critically assess features consistent with causation, such a time relationship (temporality) and strength of the association.
Note the limitations of many of the criteria often used for causation that we have discussed. Do NOT use a p-value or causation checklist as conclusive evidence that there is or is not an association.
No need for any background information, get straight to the point.