Objective: Argue a position through the engagement of a primary text.
What does that mean? You need to prove your own unique position and show me how that it is true through analyzing a film and its literary source material to prove this position.
Length: 5 pages in MLA format (Remember, Works Cited pages are not part of minimum length)
Sources: You must use a movie and its corresponding written source material from this class. You may only use one pairing.
Outside Sources: None
Question: What are the most important aspects of translating/adapting literature to film? What do you feel a director/writer/producer need to do to make an acceptable translation of literature to film? Be specific, and focus on on 3 or 4 aspects at most. The more specific you are, the better this essay will be. Don’t just give a laundry list of ideas, but rather focus on a few to show how these aspects of literature must be present in the film for it to be successful. Does the plot need to be the same? Must every character be the same? What exists in the literary material that must make it onto the screen in order for this translation/adaptation to be acceptable?
As a note, please remember that you can also argue how a text-to-film translation fails to do this. You do not need to only see the positives through our course readings but may choose to look at the negatives.
Do this all on the the pairing of the book Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare and the movie Romeo and Juliet by the writer bar luhrmann
All cited all work, works cited page doesn’t count in the page length minimum
Essay must be MLA format