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What are ACEs and how can these impact children as they grow into adulthood? Wha

June 30, 2024

What are ACEs
and how can these impact children as they grow into adulthood?
What are
Trauma-Informed Care and the core principles, provide examples of how the
core principles can be applied in your work?
How can you
incorporate the knowledge of ACEs and Trauma-Informed Care into your
future practice?
ACEs refer to potentially traumatic events that occur
in childhood (0-17 years). These experiences can have a significant impact on a
child’s development and well-being. Examples of ACEs include:
Abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual)
Neglect (physical or emotional)
Household dysfunction (e.g., domestic violence,
substance abuse, mental illness, parental separation or divorce, or an
incarcerated household member)
Impact of ACEs on Children into Adulthood
ACEs can have long-term effects on health and
well-being. Research shows that the more ACEs a person experiences, the higher
their risk for:
Chronic health problems (e.g., heart disease,
diabetes, and cancer)
Mental health issues (e.g., depression, anxiety, PTSD)
Risky behaviors (e.g., substance abuse, smoking, and
unsafe sex)
Social and relational difficulties (e.g., difficulty
maintaining relationships, lower educational and occupational attainment)
Studies indicate that ACEs can disrupt
neurodevelopment and have lasting effects on brain structure and function,
which contribute to these outcomes (Felitti et al., 2019; Hughes et al., 2021).
Trauma-Informed Care (TIC)
Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) is an approach that
involves understanding, recognizing, and responding to the effects of all types
of trauma. TIC emphasizes physical, psychological, and emotional safety for
both providers and survivors, and helps survivors rebuild a sense of control
and empowerment.
Core Principles of Trauma-Informed Care
Safety: Ensuring physical and emotional safety for
Example: Create a welcoming and calming environment in
your office or workspace, and establish clear policies and procedures that
prioritize client safety.
Trustworthiness and Transparency: Building and
maintaining trust through transparency and honesty. Clearly explain the
treatment process, confidentiality policies, and any changes that may occur,
ensuring that clients understand and feel comfortable with each step. Peer
Support: Encouraging support from individuals with shared experiences.
Facilitate support groups where clients can connect with peers who have similar
experiences and can offer mutual support and understanding.
Collaboration and Mutuality: Recognizing the
importance of partnerships and leveling power differences.  Involve clients in decision-making processes
regarding their treatment plans and respect their autonomy and input.
Empowerment, Voice, and Choice: Prioritizing
empowerment and recognizing that every individual’s experience is unique.
Encourage clients to set their own goals and make choices about their care,
fostering a sense of control and self-efficacy.
Cultural, Historical, and Gender Issues: Being
sensitive to cultural, historical, and gender-specific issues. Provide
culturally responsive services and recognize the impact of historical trauma,
discrimination, and biases on the client’s experience and treatment.
These principles align with the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) guidelines for TIC (SAMHSA,
Incorporating Knowledge of ACEs and TIC into Future
To effectively integrate the knowledge of ACEs and TIC
into future practice, consider the following steps:
Education and Training: Continuously educate yourself
and your team about ACEs, trauma, and trauma-informed care practices. Attend
workshops, webinars, and training sessions to stay updated on best practices.
Screening and Assessment: Implement routine screening
for ACEs and trauma in your practice. Use validated tools to assess the
presence and impact of ACEs on clients (Dube et al., 2021).
Creating a Safe Environment: Design your physical and
social environment to be welcoming, safe, and respectful. Ensure that all staff
members are trained to interact with clients in a trauma-informed manner.
Client-Centered Approach: Develop individualized
treatment plans that are responsive to the unique needs and preferences of each
client. Empower clients by involving them in the decision-making process and
respecting their choices (Bryson et al., 2020).
Collaboration and Referrals: Build partnerships with
other providers and community resources that offer trauma-informed services.
Refer clients to specialized care when needed and work collaboratively to
ensure comprehensive support (Bartlett et al., 2022).
Self-Care and Reflection: Recognize the impact of
working with trauma survivors on your own well-being. Practice self-care, seek
supervision or peer support, and engage in reflective practices to manage
stress and prevent burnout (Sweeney et al., 2018).

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