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Week 8 Assignment – Operations, Technology, Management, and Social Responsibilit

Week 8 Assignment – Operations, Technology, Management, and Social Responsibility Plan
Due: Mon May 27, 2024 9:00amDue: Mon May 27, 2024 9:00am
Ungraded, 125 Possible Points125 Points Possible
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5 Attempts Allowed
Available after May 6, 2024 12:00amAvailable after May 6, 2024 12:00am
In this assignment, you will focus on these sections of your business plan:
Management and Organization.
Social Responsibility.
You will revise the Operations, and Social Responsibility sections based on the feedback you received in the discussion threads and any changes you want to make to your business plan.
The Technology and Management and Organization sections are new. You have not worked on these sections in your discussion threads.
Reminders and Notes
Your chosen company will operate within a 100-mile radius of your home address. Your goal is to reach $1 million in sales by the end of the second year.
Be sure to follow the guidelines below.
For-Profit Startup Company Guidelines. [DOCX]Download For-Profit Startup Company Guidelines. [DOCX]
You are not starting this assignment from scratch. You have already worked on these sections of your business plan in the weekly discussions:
Operations (Week 5 discussion).
Social Responsibility (Week 6 discussion).
Write a 4–8 page paper in MS Word, in which you provide the specified information in each section.
Use the template below to complete your assignment:
Assignment 3 – Operations, Technology, Management, and Social Responsibility Plan Template. [DOCX]Download Assignment 3 – Operations, Technology, Management, and Social Responsibility Plan Template. [DOCX]
Operations Section (1–2 pages)
Chapter 11, “Operations,” pages 195–218 of your textbook, provides information about developing an operations plan. The chapter also provides a sample operations plan. You’ve already read this chapter in Week 5. Refer to it on an as-needed basis as you work on this section of your business plan.
Assign a dollar amount to each operational cost you find; you will need these figures for your financials in the Company Financials Excel Template Download Company Financials Excel Template.
Revise your post and the feedback you received in week 5 to create your operations plan.
Create an operations plan for your selected company expanding on each of these topics, including any applicable costs:
Describe the facility, including its location.
Specify whether it is rented or owned; include any associated costs.
Estimate the cost of utilities, such as water/sewer, gas, electricity, and trash removal.
Production Process/Description of business operations.
Describe the production process (how you will produce the product) or describe how your business will operate if this is a retail or service company.
Identify the equipment, furniture, vehicles, etc., you will use and the associated costs.
Explain your approach to quality control.
Explain your approach to inventory, as applicable.
Personnel Needs
Specify the number of employees you plan to have, including managers.
Identify their roles, wages, and salary.
Technology Section (1–2 pages)
Chapter 12, “Technology Plan,” pages 225–234 of your textbook, provides information about developing a technology plan. The chapter also provides a sample technology plan. You’ve already read this chapter in Week 5. Refer to it on an as-needed basis as you work on this section of your business plan.
Assign a dollar amount to each technology cost you find; you will need these figures for your financials (Company Financials Excel Template).
Consider the type of technology your selected company will use to conduct activities, such as managing personnel; taking, fulfilling, and tracking orders; managing inventory; communicating with customers and providing customer service; and producing your product or providing your service.
Create a technology plan for your selected company expanding on each of these topics, including any applicable costs:
Software Needs.
Examples of software you might need include graphics, customer relationship management, accounting, inventory, and office suite.
Hardware Needs.
Examples of hardware you might need include computers, monitors, servers, routers, and tablets.
Telecommunication Needs.
Examples of telecommunication equipment you might need include phones, Internet, fax, and mobile phones.
Management and Organization Section (1–2 pages)
Chapter 13, “Management & Organization,” pages 235–258 of your textbook, provides information about developing a management and organization plan. The chapter also provides a sample management and organization plan. This chapter was part of the assigned reading for this week. Refer to this chapter on an as-needed basis as you work on this section of your business plan.
Be sure to include the salary costs associated with the management personnel; you will need these figures for your financials (Company Financials Excel Template).
Create a Management and Organization plan for your selected company expanding on each of these topics, including any applicable costs:
Key Management Employees.
List key management team members, provide a brief description of each person’s background (experience, skills, certifications, etc.) and job responsibilities, and include their salary.
Justify your selections.
Explain how each manager can make a difference in your business.
Management Hierarchy.
Outline your company’s management hierarchy using the flow charts on page 248 of your textbook as a guide.
Import/include all charts or diagrams into the MS Word document.
Social Responsibility Section (1–2 pages)
Chapter 14, “Social Responsibility & Sustainability,” pages 259–270 of your textbook, provides information about developing your social responsibility plan. The chapter also provides a sample social responsibility and sustainability plan. You’ve already read this chapter in Week 6. Refer to it on an as-needed basis as you work on this section of your business plan.
Revise your post and the feedback you received in week 6 to create your social responsibility plan.
Create a social responsibility plan for your selected company expanding on each of these topics:
Impact on Stakeholders.
Describe the ways your chosen company will impact stakeholders, such as employees, customers, suppliers, and the community. This is the people section of the triple bottom line.
Suppliers (as applicable)
What types of benefits (such as health care, flexible work hours, and opportunities for advancement and education) will your company offer employees?
What types of opportunities (such as classes, sponsored events, and assistance to causes and charities) will your company offer the community?
Environmental Impact.
Explain your approach to minimizing your company’s impact on the environment, considering all aspects of your operations. For example, your company might develop a process to minimize waste or reduce energy usage, such as using recycled materials in its production process.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Use the template provided.
Assignment 3 – Operations, Technology, Management, and Social Responsibility Plan Template. [DOCX]Download Assignment 3 – Operations, Technology, Management, and Social Responsibility Plan Template. [DOCX]
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Create an operations, technology, and management plan for a company, including considerations for ethics and social responsibility plan.
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