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Week 7 Print A Consolidated Proposal In Week 3, you evaluated the strengths and

Week 7
A Consolidated Proposal
In Week 3, you evaluated the strengths and vulnerabilities, and impact of various cloud computing platforms that organizations can implement safely and securely to facilitate business locally and remotely. In Week 4, you moved the conversation further to explore solutions that organizations can adapt to enable remote employees, office, mobile device, and Internet of Things (IoT). In adopting these solutions, key considerations should be focused on remote employees’ ability to access their organizations’ data safely and securely without jeopardizing the security of their own devices. These network solutions should also accommodate any devices from any location. It is not enough to have adaptable network solutions that give remote access to employees, but they must be able to function at full capacity as well. In Week 4, you determined activities that are necessary to maintain network connectivity, functionality, and security. These activities should allow for an ongoing process to keep the network connected, functioning, and secured.
Understanding the network’s strengths, vulnerabilities, remote impact, remote access, maintenance tasks, functionality, and security are all necessary elements for integrated network design and architecture that can deliver the required reliable and secure solution. An integrated network is characterized as an interconnected or interrelated system with unified control that includes all aspects of processes and can communicate with each other.  It is a framework used to design the connectivity needs of an organization’s client. Network connectivity conversation has grown in several industries because it has become part of an organization of the necessary tools needed to conduct business on and off-site of an organization’s physical location. It has also become what drives remote data access.
According to Littman et al., “Advanced networking is the unsung hero of our digital future, offering a continuum of connectivity that can drive the development of new products and services, transform inefficient operating models, and make digital transformation possible” (2019). In their article, they highlighted connectivity building blocks that organizations need to build flexible and resilient networks of today and tomorrow. The connectivity building blocks are 5G, low earth orbit satellite, software-defined networking, and network function virtualizations (2019). Check your understanding of these connectivity building blocks by completing the interaction below.
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The article also examined what impact advanced networking systems would have on enterprise network architecture. This article surmised that integrated network design and enterprise architecture should consider having information available and shared “between devices, edge, cloud, and data centers and where, how, and when advanced connectivity will be deployed” (2019). Assessing the strengths and vulnerabilities and impact of various cloud computing platforms, finding the best solutions to enable remote employees, offices, mobile devices, IoT, and cloud, and deciding the activities necessary to maintain network connectivity, functionality, and security all are necessary elements in understanding and implementing an effective and efficient system in an organized and integrated manner.
Littman, D., Norton, K., & Prahbu, A. (2019, January 16). Connectivity of tomorrow – The spectrum and potential of advanced networking.
Weekly Resources and Assignments
Review the resources from the Course Resources link, located in the top navigation bar, to prepare for this week’s assignments. The resources may include textbook reading assignments, journal articles, websites, links to tools or software, videos, handouts, rubrics, etc.
Week 7 – Signature Assignment: Integrate Network Design and Architecture
Overdue – June 30 at 11:59 PM
For this week’s Signature Assignment, you will write a report providing details of network components and installed network capabilities and add simple diagrams of the four groups, and one overview diagram. Extend the work in Week 6 to provide a comprehensive review of a sound architecture that can deliver the required reliable and secure solution.
Be sure your report includes the following:
Management, monitoring, and control solutions that could enable a Network Operations Center to ensure ongoing success.
Remote users that work from home on company laptops.
A diagram to show a sample remote laptop configuration at an employee’s home.
Update from Week 6 overview diagram to include the three previous groups and the new remote user group.
Length: 12 to 15-page report providing details of network components and installed network capabilities and the simple diagrams of the four groups and one overview diagram.
References: Include citations and a minimum of 5 references for products and ideas used with no less than three scholarly sources from the NCU academic library supporting your choices.
The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations, and current APA standards, and adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
When applicable, conduct a Turnitin pre-check and then upload your completed assignment and click the Submit to Dropbox button.

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