2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Week 5 Learning Activity Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is intended to

July 1, 2024

Week 5 Learning Activity


The purpose of this assignment is intended to allow the student to show evidence of the following course objectives:

  • Apply research outcomes within the practice setting, resolve practice problems, work as a change agent, and disseminate results.
  • Explain how the advanced practice nurse applies and integrates broad, organizational, client-centered, and culturally appropriate concepts in the planning, delivery, management, and evaluation of evidence-based clinical prevention and population care and services to individuals, families, and aggregated/identified populations.


Review the attached case study, Overview of Selected Middle Range Theories.

Case Study, Chapter 11, Overview of Selected Middle-Range Nursing Theories

Elaine Chang is an infection control nurse at a community hospital. She has been in her position for over 6 years, since finishing her master’s degree in community health nursing.

She has noted that the annual influenza immunization rate for employees has been decreasing each year after reaching a high in 2009 of 78%. The rate in 2016 to 2017 dipped under 55% for all employees. In addition, this past year, there was a large outbreak of influenza with multiple staff and patients affected.

Ms. Chang has decided she needs to review the situation using Pender’s Health Promotion Model and develop a plan to educate staff and increase immunization rates.

  1. If Ms. Chang wanted to assess the reasons for the decline in immunization rates, what types of things should she ask about?
  2. Ms. Chang developed a survey that was distributed by each unit manager. After analyzing her results, she identified three major reasons that many of the staff declined the flu vaccine:
    1. A large number (over 40%) believed that the vaccine might give them the flu. They believed this because either they or a family member had become sick with some sort of illness around the time they took a flu shot.
    2. About 25% of those surveyed would have taken the flu vaccine, but it was only available at the hospital Monday to Friday between 10 AM and 2 PM.
    3. About 10% of those surveyed believed that all vaccines are bad for one’s health because they introduce something unnatural into the body.
    4. The remainder had a variety of reasons for declining the vaccine, from religious beliefs to inconvenience.
  3. From Pender’s model, what motivational factors might each of these be?
  4. Using Pender’s model, what actions might Ms. Chang take to improve the immunization rates?


  • This assignment needs to be submitted following APA format (title page, headings, reference page, etc.). Citations from References that are synthesized from the assigned article, course text, evidence-based and peer-reviewed research articles, and other credible sources are required. A minimum of 3 resources are used. References must be current within 5 years.
  • This assignment will be submitted below through Canvas and automatically run through TurnItIn. Course faculty monitor for the compliance of citations with Turnitin evaluation of the assignment during the course session.
  • Evaluation: The following rubric will be used to score this assignment.


Week 5 Learning Activity Rubric (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Content Knowledge All prompts or questions are answered and thoroughly discussed:

If Ms. Chang wanted to assess the reasons for the decline in immunization rates, what types of things should she ask about?

From Pender’s model, what motivational factors might each of these be?

Using Pender’s model, what actions might Ms. Chang take to improve the immunization rates?

30 pts

Excellent Work

-Follows all requirements for the assignment. -Conveys well-rounded knowledge of the topic. – Information is accurate, with supporting evidence (see additional resources requirement). Opinion is stated as such. -Excels in fully presenting what is known about the topic. – All prompts or questions are answered and thoroughly discussed

20 pts

Meets Expectations

-Follows all requirements for the assignment. -Major points of topic are mostly covered in the required assignment areas. – Majority of the questions are answered and thoroughly discussed (minimum of 2 questions)

10 pts

Needs Improvement

-Knowledge of topic is partially covered. -Key information is missing from 2 or more assignment areas. – Some questions are answered and discussed (minimum of 1 question) – Some questions are not thoroughly discussed

0 pts

Not Acceptable

-Knowledge of topic is general and does not cover all the required assignment areas.

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFlow of Content

5 pts

Excellent Work

-Well-organized. -Information flows in logical and interesting sequence. -Easy to read, follow, and understand throughout. -Captures the reader’s attention.

4 pts

Meets Expectations

-Organized. -Information flows in logical and interesting sequence. -Easy to read, follow, and understand through most of the paper

2 pts

Needs Improvement

-Organization, sequence, and flow of presentation are difficult to follow at times. -Information is difficult to read or understand in a few areas.

0 pts

Not Acceptable

-Paper is not well organized. -Information is difficult to read, understand, and follow throughout most of the paper.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Composition (Spelling, Grammar, Sentence Structure)

5 pts

Excellent Work

-An occasional error may occur, but writing, grammar, spelling, transitions, readability, and sentence structure are essentially error free.

4 pts

Meets Expectations

-Some minor errors (1-3 errors) may occur with spelling, grammar, transitions, and sentence structure but are not consistent throughout. -Errors do not interfere with the readability or comprehension of information.

2 pts

Needs Improvement

-Frequent errors (4-5 errors) occur with spelling, grammar, transitions, sentence structure, and readability throughout.

0 pts

Not Acceptable

-Numerous errors (>6 errors) occur with spelling, grammar, transitions, and sentence structure, throughout, which make it very difficult to read and understand the information presented.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences

5 pts

Excellent Work

-Information gathered from a variety of nursing journals and nursing and/or medical organization websites. – Using at least 3 resources—-Utilize additional resources to support or disprove the concepts presented.

4 pts

Meets Expectations

-Information gathered from a variety of relevant sources. – Using 2 resources—-Utilize additional resources to support or disprove the concepts presented.

2 pts

Needs Improvement

-Information gathered from a variety of relevant sources. (Not all are professional sites). – Using 1 resource—-Utilize additional resources to support or disprove the concepts presented.

0 pts

Not Acceptable

-Not all references are appropriate, not from scholarly sources. – Uses no additional resources to support or disprove the concepts presented

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format

5 pts

Excellent Work

-An occasional error may occur, but the paper is essentially error-free, following APA format in the body of the paper and reference page.

4 pts

Meets Expectations

-Some minor errors (1-3 errors) may occur with APA format, but errors are not consistent throughout the paper.

2 pts

Needs Improvement

-Frequent errors (4-5 errors) occur with APA format throughout the paper.

0 pts

Not Acceptable

-Numerous errors (>6 errors) occur with APA format consistently throughout the paper, indicating that little effort was placed on understanding the format guidelines.

5 pts

Total Points: 50

Concept Map Paper


The purpose of this assignment is intended to allow the student to show evidence of achievement of the following course objectives:

  • Explain how the advanced practice nurse applies and integrates broad, organizational, client-centered, and culturally appropriate concepts in the planning, delivery, management, and evaluation of evidence-based clinical prevention and population care and services to individuals, families, and aggregated/identified populations.
  • Apply theory and research-based knowledge from nursing, the arts, humanities, and other sciences


This week you will continue to work towards the final concept map. Follow the prompts and submit a 1-2 page paper showing your progression and submit your concept map sketch.

  • Discuss potential antecedents, consequences, and mitigating factors.
  • Consider and discuss the origins of your knowledge related to these factors.
    • Is the basis professional, educational, theoretical, or personal?
  • Revise your map to include additional factors as appropriate.

Prior to Week 8’s Concept Map assignment, search the literature for conceptual models/theories related to your concept.


  • This assignment needs to be submitted following APA format (title page, headings, reference page, etc.). Citations from References that are synthesized from the assigned article, course text, evidence-based and peer-reviewed research articles, and other credible sources are required. A minimum of 3 resources are used. References must be current within 5 years.
  • This assignment will be submitted below through Canvas and automatically run through TurnItIn. Course faculty monitor for the compliance of citations with Turnitin evaluation of the assignment during the course session.
  • Evaluation: The following rubric will be used to score this assignment.


Concept Map Week 6 Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Content Knowledge Discuss potential antecedents, consequences, and mitigating factors.

Consider and discuss the origins of your knowledge related to these factors.

30 pts

Excellent Work

-Follows all requirements for the assignment. -Conveys well-rounded knowledge of the topic. -Excels in fully presenting what is known about the topic. – All prompts are answered and thoroughly discussed. Discuss potential antecedents, consequences, and mitigating factors; Consider and discuss the origins of your knowledge related to these factors. – Information is accurate, with supporting evidence (see additional resources requirement). Opinion is stated as such.

20 pts

Meets Expectations

-Follows all requirements for the assignment. -Major points of topic are mostly covered in the required assignment areas. – Majority of the questions are answered and thoroughly discussed

10 pts

Needs Improvement

-Knowledge of topic is partially covered. -Key information is missing from 2 or more assignment areas. – Some of the prompts are answered and thoroughly discussed

0 pts

Not Acceptable

-Knowledge of topic is general and does not cover all the required assignment areas. – Many prompts or questions are left unanswered. No supporting evidence to distinguish factual information from opinion

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFlow of Content

10 pts

Excellent Work

-Well-organized. -Information flows in logical and interesting sequence. -Easy to read, follow, and understand throughout. -Captures the reader’s attention.

8 pts

Meets Expectations

Organized. -Information flows in logical and interesting sequence. -Easy to read, follow, and understand through most of presentation.

4 pts

Needs Improvement

-Organization, sequence, and flow of presentation are difficult to follow at times. -Information is difficult to read or understand in a few areas.

0 pts

Not Acceptable

-Paper is not well organized. -Information is difficult to read, understand, and follow throughout most of the paper.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity, Critical Thinking

10 pts

Excellent Work

-Concisely explains the topic. – Consistently analyzes information, offers insight, and draws conclusions. -Excels in presentation of ideas. -Scholarly work.

8 pts

Meets Expectations

-Explains the topic. -Presents information about the topic. -Some analysis, insight, and conclusions offered. -Scholarly work.

4 pts

Needs Improvement

-Organization, sequence, and flow of presentation are difficult to follow at times. -Information is difficult to read or understand in a few areas.

0 pts

Not Acceptable

-Paper is not well organized. -Information is difficult to read, understand, and follow throughout most of the paper.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConcept appropriate for nursing practice

15 pts

Excellent Work

Concept is appropriate for nursing practice and selected nursing theory

8 pts

Meets Expectations

Concept is partially appropriate for nursing practice and selected nursing theory

0 pts

Not Acceptable

Concept is NOT appropriate for nursing practice and selected nursing theory

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Composition (Spelling, Grammar, Sentence Structure)

5 pts

Excellent Work

-An occasional error may occur, but writing, grammar, spelling, transitions, readability, and sentence structure are essentially error free.

4 pts

Meets Expectations

-Some minor errors (1-3 errors) may occur with spelling, grammar, transitions, and sentence structure but are not consistent throughout. -Errors do not interfere with the readability or comprehension of information.

2 pts

Needs Improvement

-Frequent errors (4-5 errors) occur with spelling, grammar, transitions, sentence structure, and readability throughout.

0 pts

Not Acceptable

-Numerous errors (>6 errors) occur with spelling, grammar, transitions, and sentence structure, throughout, which make it very difficult to read and understand the information presented.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences

5 pts

Excellent Work

-Information gathered from a variety of nursing journals and nursing and/or medical organization websites. – Using at least 3 resources—-Utilize additional resources to support or disprove the concepts presented.

4 pts

Meets Expectations

-Information gathered from a variety of relevant sources. – Using 2 resources—-Utilize additional resources to support or disprove the concepts presented.

2 pts

Needs Improvement

-Information gathered from a variety of relevant sources. (Not all are professional sites). – Using 1 resource—-Utilize additional resources to support or disprove the concepts presented.

0 pts

Not Acceptable

-Not all references are appropriate, not from scholarly sources. – Uses no additional resources to support or disprove the concepts presented

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format

5 pts

Excellent Work

-An occasional error may occur, but the paper is essentially error-free, following APA format in the body of the paper and reference page.

4 pts

Meets Expectations

-Some minor errors (1-3 errors) may occur with APA format, but errors are not consistent throughout the paper.

2 pts

Needs Improvement

-Frequent errors (4-5 errors) occur with APA format throughout the paper.

0 pts

Not Acceptable

-Numerous errors (>6 errors) occur with APA format consistently throughout the paper, indicating that little effort was placed on understanding the format guidelines.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConcept map sketch

20 pts

Excellent Work

– Visual Concept Map sketch is clear and concise -Visual map includes all components: concept, theory (if selected), antecedents, consequences, mitigating factors, and additional factors as appropriate

15 pts

Meets Expectations

– Visual Concept Map sketch is organized -Visual map includes the majority of the components needed: concept, theory (if selected), antecedents, consequences, mitigating factors, and additional factors as appropriate

5 pts

Needs Improvement

– Visual Concept Map sketch is not clear and concise -Visual map lacks clarity of concept, theory (if selected), antecedents, consequences, mitigating factors, and additional factors as appropriate

0 pts

Not Acceptable

No concept map sketch submitted

20 pts

Total Points: 100

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