2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Video: TED Talks (12 minutes) – E-sports, the future of competition:https://www.

May 17, 2024

Video: TED Talks (12 minutes) – E-sports, the future of competition:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPoxgvaKrTs&list=WL&index=20Links to an external site. 
According to the video clip (above), eSports clearly attract young people as fans, a demographic that traditional sports may struggle to engage. However, Li (2017) notes that in America, video games have often been considered a fringe activity associated with stereotypes of the overweight recluse consuming junk food in their parents’ basement.
*Reference: Li, R. (2017). Good luck have fun: The rise of eSportsLinks to an external site.. Simon and Schuster (BOOK)
Based on the video, external sources, and your personal opinion, please address the following questions:
Identify both positive and negative aspects of eSports. (6 points)
Envision future steps that the eSports industry should take to maximize the positive aspects while minimizing the negative effects of eSports, taking into account your position as a future practitioner in the field. (9 points)
Support your claims with information from the assigned readings, outside sources, and your personal viewpoint on eSports.
Part 2: Esports Culture in Korea (20 points)
After reading the short article and watching the two videos below, please complete the 2nd part of the assignment. 
Reading: PC bang and eSports.pdf
*Suggested Reading (Full Article). Huhh, J. S. (2008). Culture and business of PC bangs in Korea. Games and Culture
, 3(1), 26-37.
Video 1: The Capital City of eSports (7 minutes):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FV_M6BHXgoLinks to an external site. 
Video 2: English Gentleman tries “E-Sports” for the first time (11 minutes):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnMblyWJT0wLinks to an external site. 
Based on the reading and videos in Part 2, the PC bang has played a crucial role in making eSports a popular pastime in South Korea. Please address the following:
Share your thoughts on the role of the PC bang in South Korea. (5 points)
Discuss whether you believe introducing the culture of the PC bang in the American context is important for fostering positive development in the eSports industry. Provide reasons to support your argument, considering the sociocultural differences between the two countries. (15 points).
Make sure to provide appropriate justifications and consider various sociocultural aspects.
Part 3: Gender Equality in eSports (25 points)
Complete the last part found below after reading the assigned readings and watching two short videos below:
Reading 1: Esports Is Getting Bigger Every Year — So Where Are All The Women?
Reading 2: Industry Profile: Women Rising in Esports Business  
Video 1: Why is there no female players in pro league of legends? (11 minutes)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuOS8tmMZ2ELinks to an external site.
Video 2: Inside world of female gamers – BBC Newshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD3pvtvoUP4Links to an external site. 
In contrast to traditional sports, eSports games do not have physical barriers to play, and female eSports gamers have shown equal performance. However, there remains a low representation of female professional (and amateur) gamers, and they have faced increased gender inequality, including harassment and lower prize money. Please address the following:
Share your perspective on the reasons behind the low number of female professional gamers and the gender inequality they experience. (5 points)
Discuss whether you believe eSports organizations, teams, players, and other authorities are taking sufficient measures to eliminate gender discrimination in eSports (why/why not). (10 points)
Explore additional actions that could be taken to promote gender equality in eSports. (10 points)
Focus on understanding the reasons behind the issue and proposing strategies to address it, rather than explaining why sexism is undesirable. Support your answers with insights from the assigned readings, videos, and any external resources you find relevant.
Length and Formatting:
Be creative to strengthen your arguments with the most recent data/sources.
Ensure that your response is in paragraph form and uses at least TWO (2) outside sources (excluding Wikipedia) for each part to strengthen your arguments with recent data. Note that only one of the assigned readings/videos can be used for each part, but you may utilize suggested readings as the 2nd outside source.
Each part of your assignment should consist of at least one full page (total of three pages) in length (excluding the questions, information on the top right-hand corner, and extra space). Your response must not exceed five pages. Note that two and a half pages will not meet the three-page requirement.
Additionally, follow the writing policy accurately, as errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation will impact your grade.
APA Style 7th Ed: 
Ensure a clear and legible font with appropriate font size (e.g., Times New Roman, 12 pt).
Maintain standard margins on all sides (1 inch or 2.54 cm).
Do not include any additional spacing beyond standard paragraph spacing.
Focus less on the “Results” section due to statistical and analytic jargon, and place more emphasis on the other parts of the article to address the provided questions.

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