Title, author, and publication
Include all relevant information regarding the argument.
Look through past papers to help you synthesize all of the information that should be included
Using all the information you’ve learned over the course, analyze the quality of the argument. This is where you want to ask questions regarding the article to support your analysis.
Look through past critical papers for details on how to analyze for:
Values/Ethics, Assumptions, Research, Fallacies, Questionable or Bias Language, and Bias.
This analysis is KEY. It helps me know that you understand and can critique the author’s argument. This should be the bulk of your paper.
Author’s credibility and audience.
Do they have a good argument? Why or why not?
Your personal conclusion on the issue.
Support your conclusion with at least three reasons for support.
Make a connection in some way to prove your point.
Source Citation
Scroll down to the end of the article and copy the ‘source citation’. Paste it into the end of your essay under the title: (((((((( “Criminal Justice.” Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2020. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Accessed 16 May 2021. )))))))