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Unit VII Course Project Assignment objective: This course has presented an evolv

July 9, 2024

Unit VII Course Project
Assignment objective: This course has presented an evolving scenario involving the City of Washington Distribution Warehouse fire. Throughout your reading and analysis of the fire, you have been presented with a multitude of information that that wil alow you to make recommendation to those charged with designing the suppression system in the new building. This assignment consists of four parts and your project must be at least four-pages in length (at least one page per section). 
Details: Section I 
As you make suggestions to improve the water-based fire sprinkler system, refer to the background information, if needed, to provide you with the necessary material to identify the basic components common to fire protection for the City of Washington Distribution Warehouse. In addition, review the Points to Ponder Scenario in the Unit V Lesson for additional information. This assignment is not looking for compliance with building codes nor expecting you to be a fire protection system designer. However, the purpose of this assignment is for you to apply the concepts and knowledge you learned in this unit as you begin writing your final project covering protection systems that wil detect, contain, control, and extinguish a fire. This assignment provides you with the opportunity to use your skils, expertise, and experience to enrich your response. Prepare a wel-organized narrative that addresses foam- and water-based fire sprinkler systems and includes your recommendations after reviewing the background information and the information above. Your discussion wil consist of your evaluation of the previous water-based sprinkler system, based on information from the textbook and any additional research needed for your recommendations for the rebuild of the warehouse. Discuss the importance of water pressure, and determine the pressure for seven sprinkler heads discharging 157.5 galons of water per minute. 
Section II 
As you make suggestions to improve the fire protection system, identify the components and accessories common to fire pump instalations needed for the rebuild of the warehouse. Refer to the background information, if needed, to provide you with the necessary material to identify the basic components common to fire protection for the City of Washington Distribution Warehouse. In addition, review the Points to Ponder Scenario in the Unit VI Lesson for additional information as wel as Chapter 6 in the textbook. Prepare a wel-organized narrative addressing fire pumps and including your recommendations after reviewing the background information and the information above. Your discussion wil consist of your evaluation of the previous fire pump and recommendations for the rebuild of the warehouse, based on information from the textbook and any additional research. 
Section III
As we saw in the Points to Ponder Scenario in the unit lesson, electrical surge protection devices could have mitigated damage or even loss to the pump driver. Describe the benefits that surge protection devices provide for fire pump components and systems against the damages of voltage surges. 
Section IV 
(Executive Summary) In this section, you wil prepare a wel-organized and thoughtful summary of your recommendations for the fire protection system for the scenario-based case study course project on the City of Washington Distribution Warehouse fire. This summary should expound on what you have learned during the different parts covered in each unit, so you can understand issues that exist within the fire protection technology field. Place the summary after the title page, and folow it with your recommendations for the rebuilding of the warehouse. The purpose of the executive summary is to provide a narrative about the project with sufficient detail to alow readers to be able to accurately describe your recommendations to resolve potential fires in the future. Explain how your recommendations for the scenario-based case study relate to the methodology you chose and to the project outcome and conclusions. In other words, your summary must be clear, logical, and demonstrate alignment among the goals, methods, and outcomes. 
4 FIR 5301, Fire Protection Technology
Remember, you may use information from reputable, reliable journal articles, case studies, scholarly papers, and other sources that you feel are pertinent. You should use at least three sources, one of which must be your textbook. Al sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations fo lowing proper APA Style. Submission: Save as a Word document and upload the document to Blackboard. Grading: The project wil be reviewed in alignment to the criteria, focused on an understanding and analysis of the assignment and application of the relevant theories.

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