Why are African American mothers more likely than mothers of other races to give birth to low birthweight babies and die during childbirth?
The goal is to understand its causes and consequences. What are the roots of the problem? Why does it exist? Is it the result of a specific racist policy or is it an unintended consequence? How does it shape the life chances of the people who experience it? Are any other institutions involved? If so, how?
For this assignment, the goal is to identify no less than five sources on your topic, write between 150-200 words on each explaining why that source is relevant, trustworthy, and useful for you, and include citations in MLA format.
When doing research, keep in mind that your argument will be stronger if you use a broad variety of sources. For that reason, you MUST have at least one governmental (from a ‘.gov’ website), one academic source (from a peer-reviewed journal), and one policy source (from a think tank or research institute).