2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


This will be in question-answer (not essay) format. Please double-space Instruct

May 5, 2024

This will be in question-answer (not essay) format. Please double-space
Instructor-approved films (with links):
1. “I am Sam” (2001): “A mentally handicapped man fights for custody of his 7-year-old daughter and in the process teaches his cold-hearted lawyer the value of love and family.” Available on various streaming platforms, or here: https://www.amazon.com/I-Am-Sam-Sean-Penn/dp/B009BFZWYE .
2. “Sent Away Boys” (2016): What happens to families in the absence of sons? What happens to land in the absence of farmers? What happens to communities in the absence of men? Sent Away Boys weaves together stories of individual ambitions and family biographies from Punjab (India) to chronicle the gradual transformation of agrarian landscape and patriarchal traditions through ongoing transnational migration. English subtitles, FYI (https://www.harjantgill.com/sent-away-boys).
3. “Lady Bird” (2017): “In 2002, an artistically inclined seventeen-year-old girl comes of age in Sacramento, California.” A great film. Available on streaming platforms or via this link: https://a24films.com/films/lady-bird .
4. “Chonquelpe Tati Kutral (Let the Fire Never Die)” (2016): Another great one. The indigenous community of El Barco, in Chile, has been relocated almost fifteen years ago after the construction of a huge hydro-dam that flooded their ancestral lands. This film aims at exploring life in the Andes, involving the viewer in the struggles of the subjects who are dealing with the consequences of moving into a new environment. This film is part of a wider anthropological research project about the relation between dwelling and the cosmological indigenous belief in spirits. (https://vimeo.com/220685958).
5. “Moonlight” (2016). Such a powerful, coming of age, film. “The film presents three stages in the life of the main character: his childhood, adolescence, and early adult life. It explores the difficulties he faces with his sexuality and identity, including the physical and emotional abuse he endures growing up.” This can be found on Amazon Prime, Showtime, or here: https://a24films.com/films/moonlight
6. “The Linguists” (2008): This documentary joins David Harrison and Gregory Anderson, scientists racing to document languages on the verge of extinction. In the rugged landscapes of Siberia, India, and Bolivia, the linguists’ resolve is tested by the very forces stifling languages: institutionalized racism and violent economic unrest. David and Greg’s journey takes them deep into the heart of the cultures, knowledge, and communities at stake. https://vimeo.com/ondemand/thelinguists
7. There are plenty others, and if you have a suggestion that is not on the list above, please message me, in Canvas, for approval.
The questions are listed, below. Please use the “submission link” unit under this instruction unit.
1. What is the overall topic of this film? Theme? Subject? Two to three sentences, on average.
2. Provide a background of the topic of this film. What are the issues this/these individual(s) are currently facing or have faced with regards to this situation? Please use this opportunity to create a comprehensive background of the situation at hand (you may use an outside source to help with context, but please cite it!). Three to five sentences, on average.
3. What forces (government, political, economic, social) are barriers to these individuals in this film? Are the subjects justified (from your perspective) in their calls to action, if there are any? Two to three sentences, on average.
4. What does the influence of cultural traditions, political unrest, and social norms have on the main characters in this film? In other words, do these elements play into the perspective of the theme of the film? Three to five sentences, on average.
5. As we have explored thus far this semester, coming of age in adolescence and early adulthood is foundational for all human groups. After watching this film, how were themes such as angst, frustration, self-discovery, miscommunication (due to ethnocentrism, intergenerational conflict, ignorance, etc) influential in the lives of the individuals highlighted in the documentary? For example, if the film was about a conflict, think about the basis for the conflict (cultural values, norms, morals). Three to five sentences, on average.
6. Integrate one chapter or excerpt, from our book, in relation to the subject matter of the film. For example, in chapter 9 (Love and Sexuality) the author highlights the issues surrounding break-ups (i.e., When Love Goes Bad: Breaking Up). In one of the films I listed, there is a break-up scene that results in a dramatic encounter and emotional turbulence. How does this scene relate to the content your textbook author discusses? Three to five sentences, on average.
6. In terms of the goals of the film maker, do you think there were any biases for or against the main individuals in this film? Do you think this film accurately represents individual protagonist/antagonists? Did you notice anything else that may be problematic in terms of ethics, norms, and/or accuracy? If yes, explain. If no, justify. Two to three sentences, on average.
7. What can a greater audience learn and understand from watching this film? Do any aspects of this film relate to what you have learned in this class? No sentence minimum, however, I will look for critical thought and reflection.
8. Finally, I would like for you to find one article that covers the topic of the film. Not an article ABOUT the film, but rather an article that covers subject matter and/or themes expressed in the film. For example, living as an LGBTQ+ teen in a highly stigmatized community. You only need to provide the web link for the article in your paper OR a PDF copy embedded into your submission. Please provide 2-3 sentences how this article relates to the film of your choice.

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