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This week you will prepare and submit an annotated research bibliography. This b

June 20, 2024

This week you will prepare and submit an annotated research bibliography. This bibliography should reflect the research you have begun to undertake in connection with your CAA topic. You are encouraged to use the Zotero software to help you complete this assignment.
Before beginning your work on this assignment, it is important that you familiarize yourself with the correct format and construction for an annotated bibliography. Please review the Week 07 Instructional Materials, which will help you learn how to define and write an annotated bibliography. You also should review the Instructional Materials on annotated bibliographies in your PPD 506 class, which offer more complete explanations of the various approaches to annotated bibliographies. Finally, you may find these samples helpful:
Sample Annotated Bibliography.pdf
Sample Annotated Bibliography 2.pdf
This assignment requires you to do three things: 1) extend your research for the CAA beyond the sources you used for your project proposal (Week 06), 2) compile your research into a properly formatted reference list, and 3) use your reference list to create a properly formatted annotated bibliography to submit for credit. This process will help you begin to develop sources of data, facts, and/or information related to your CAA topic.
This will be a beginning reference list drawn from biographic materials, news and media clips, course readings, outside academic readings, news magazines, and academic journals related to your chosen topic, including the problem or situation, key public figures, related actors, and relevant academic concepts and theories. This list will form the basis for the references that you will draw upon and include with the problem definition, literature review, and case analysis submissions. This list may be edited, revised, and expanded during the course of completing the CAA assignments.
You will need to research both the “practical” literature (news reports, meeting minutes, government reports, social media, etc.) and conceptual literature (academic journals and papers, books, and so forth) that can provide information about the decision, the key decision maker, the context of the decision, the organization involved, the timeline of the decision, and the related actors who were important to the key decision maker or in making the decision along with insights about the structure, culture, and management craft elements at play in the decision.
Be sure to include a well-rounded list that includes information from a number of sources (not all webpage links, for example, or all news articles written by a single journalist) and from multiple viewpoints. You will refine your research processes after receiving feedback from faculty and while developing your analytic essays, so this bibliography need not be totally comprehensive.
Part 1: Collect original research
Seek sources of information related to your CAA topic. You should build a collection of research holdings that includes a minimum of 12 references and no more than 18. You will enter these sources into your Zotero file.
Part 2: Create a reference list
Once you have collected your references, you will create a reference list that is formatted according to APA style and listed in alphabetical order according to author last name. See the OWL at Purdue for guidance.
Part 3: Create an annotated bibliography
Once you have created your reference list, you will annotate each entry in the list. Annotated bibliographies include the reference entry followed by a brief summary of the source’s key information – the points that are relevant to your purpose, which, in this case, is to analyze a decision by the key decision maker. In addition, each annotation should include a sentence or two that explains why the reference is valuable and what relevant or unique information this research provides to you about the decision and/or decision maker. How might you use this source in your project?
Each annotation should be somewhere between 75 and 200 words in length. Your entries should be written in the informative format and the paragraph writing style (see the Instructional Materials in your PPD 506 course). Do not provide indicative or evaluative information in your annotations.
All descriptions and annotations must be original work; any reprints of annotations, abstracts, or other information from university library systems, internet search engines, or database holdings are NOT acceptable for academic credit. It is NOT acceptable to copy and paste an abstract or other information from another source (including the abstract from the work itself), even if you cite it. You may include properly cited quotes from the work itself but the annotation must be original. Material that is “lifted” from another source will be considered plagiarism and deemed a violation of the University’s academic integrity policy.
Each entry in your submitted annotated bibliography should include an APA-formatted reference followed by a double-spaced annotation using the “hanging indent” format (see the sample annotated bibliographies linked above). Add an extra space between references. A minimum of 12 entries and no more than 18 must be included. Be sure to include useful academic literature as well as substantive research related to your case.
For this assignment only, you cannot include the Hill and Lynn text. You may use any of the other assigned reading from this class. You also may use sources from other classes if appropriate along with sources you gather through your own research. You will, of course, be able to draw on Hill and Lynn in all future CAA papers.
FORMAT: Submit 12 to 18 references in a properly formatted APA style bibliography (reference list). Reference entries are double spaced with a hanging indent with extra spacing in between entries. Entries should be organized alphabetically by author last name.
Refer to syllabus for grading rubric.

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