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This research paper requires you to analyze one of the VICE news videos which ar

May 16, 2024

This research paper requires you to analyze one of the VICE news videos which are provided within various Chapter Modules. Although these videos are produced by HBO, most of them can be found for free on VICE’s YouTube channel. Note that other non-VICE videos provided in the modules are not eligible for this assignment.
Research papers should be written in your own words (use quotes sparingly, if at all) that use credible and/or academic sources. They should be written in a professional academic tone that is contextualized within course concepts. Assume the reader knows nothing about the subject, walk them through your thought process, and state your conclusions clearly and succinctly.  Use and define key terms from the course.
If you’d like, you may submit a draft of your paper early and request feedback from the course SIA. Submissions will not be considered final until the deadline passes. You may also consult a GWC Librarian for research and citation advice or contact the GWC Reading & Writing Center for tips on improving your writing and/or paraphrasing skills.
Explore a real-world issue from the perspective of cultural anthropology.
Requirements and Point Values
Students will analyze the cultural component(s) of a VICE report from one of the required Canvas modules. These videos can be found under weekly Chapter Modules, Presentation, Chapter Videos. Only VICE reports will be accepted for this assignment. Other videos found in chapter video content videos that are not produced by VICE will not count for this assignment. The paper must be 4-5 pages (1000-1250 words) that are comprised of the titled sections outlined below. Students may lose up to 20 points for each page short of the minimum word count.
Template (5 points)
The paper format and required sections are already set up for you in the  VICE Report Analysis Template (https://www.dropbox.com/s/3aup9hinvwbkd8c/VICE_Report_Analysis_Template.docx?e=1&dl=0), which you should download, save, complete (keep the headers as they are), and upload by the deadline.
Required Sections
Introduction (5 points)
Introduce your paper and give a brief overview of the contents.
Media Summary (15 points)
Briefly summarize your chosen VICE news report.
Current Status of the Issue (25 points)
Using credible sources, describe the current status of the issue covered in your chosen VICE news report. Have things improved, worsened, or stayed the same, and why? Are there any new developments, or are there other cultures experiencing something similar?
Cultural Analysis (30 points)
Using what you have learned about cultural anthropology from the course, discuss the issue from a culturally relative perspective. How might an anthropologist view this story? What components might be pointed out by an anthropologist? How does the issue relate to concepts you learned in class? What insights are gained by examining the issue through the lens (theories, methodologies, philosophies, etc.) of cultural anthropology? Is it valuable or beneficial to examine the issue from this perspective? Why or why not?
Conclusion (5 points)
Summarize your paper and provide any concluding remarks.
Formatting Requirements (5 points)
All assignments must be double spaced, Arial 12-point font, 1-inch margins, and submitted in .doc, .docx, or .pdf file formats. Completing assignments on smart phone or tablet devices is not recommended as this may cause formatting issues. If you do not have access to a computer at home, you may access the computers in the GWC or Public Libraries. Don’t forget to put your name, the date, the course, and title including the assignment number.
Reference Requirements (10 points)
You must cite sources used in a References section at the end of your assignment. This should include the course textbook, the story being analyzed, and whatever sources you use to support your real-world implications (e.g., news publications, recent scientific journal articles, etc.). Follow the citation guidelines outlined in the APA Style Guide(https://owl.purdue.edu/). (note that APA formatting applies only to the References section; you do not need to include a Title Page or Abstract). In-text citations are not required unless a direct quote or close paraphrase is used.
Paraphrasing and Plagiarism Notice
Assignments will be analyzed by the TurnItIn plagiarism checker. You must write in your own words, and use quotes sparingly, if at all. Plagiarized assignments will be given a 0 and reported to the college. If you need help paraphrasing or writing assignments, please contact the GWC Writing & Reading Center. or visit plagiarism.org.
Vice Video Options :
India’s Water Crisis
Water is a limited resource, and every country on earth is currently experiencing worsening water crises. In what ways does culture affect how people treat water in India? In what ways does your own culture affect how you treat water? Video starts at 17 minutes. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkBoVfkOWqQ&t=1018s)
City of Lost Children
How will the lifestyle of these children affect their biology, or perhaps their children’s biology? How might their current circumstances impact their socioeconomic prospects as adults? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axwXhqKQzIs)
Course Textbook : 
Essentials of Cultural Anthropology
A Toolkit for a Global Age, 4th edition
by Kenneth J Guest (Author, Baruch College – City University of New York)

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