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This is the second part of Assignment #1.   In Assignment 1, I was given a vigne

May 23, 2024

This is the second part of Assignment #1.  
In Assignment 1, I was given a vignette:  
Vignette- 45-year-old Filipino-Caucasian male has come into the clinic for the first therapy session.  He was referred by his primary care physician as he had a recent suicide attempt that resulted in an admission to a medical facility for 3 days.  He informs you that he has come to treatment because his aunt won’t leave him alone until he goes to see someone.  He asks that you write a note stating that he does not need treatment.  He denies the incident that led him into the hospital was a suicide attempt, and that he was playing soccer with friends and fell on what later he learned was a needle on the field that had fentanyl in it.  The client presents as guarded with limited eye contact except when he is presenting what he determines is proof that he is not suicidal.  As the service provider, develop your preliminary treatment plan based on your assessment for him and any potential family. 
We wrote a preliminary treatment plan which was this: Based on the intake meeting, the client seems to be in a deep mental struggle, which puts him at high risk for future self-harm or suicide. Even though the client is today somewhat guarded and reluctant to join the treatment, his present state, according to the symptoms he has and the recent actions taken, seems to require a deep multi-strategy program, which is based on evidence-based treatments for suicide. The first thing to do is to take measures to ensure the client is safe and firmly fixed. Given the attempted suicide and also the ongoing lack of insight, organizing repeated suicide risk evaluations and producing a safety plan seems like reasonable initial steps. The level of risks may vary from one case to another, where chances are brought in of a short-term involuntary commitment, at least until the client presents partial or complete engagement in treatment.
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) entails how cognitive and behavioral patterns that contribute to the clients’ suicidal ideation could be changed effectively. As CBT has a strong research base for bipolar disorder, memory problems, interpersonal issues, and problems in regulating emotions are also very likely. As examples of complementary treatments, you can choose Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skills training, which will, in turn, provide useful emotion regulation and mindfulness tools. 
If, by chance, my therapy methods are not enough, then I would also recommend a psychiatric medication evaluation to verify that medication could offer the patient more symptom relief and better stability, particularly if the client is also living with other mood disorders like depression. Patient education would also include instructions on regulated medication. Further inclusiveness of the client’s family and extant family support will be highly important to ensure that we are not undermining positive familial relationships that otherwise would be protective during the depressive state or hidden suicidal ideation. The facility will be an ideal place for the families of clients to gain insight. Also, it will be an avenue for fixing dysfunctional relationships and rebuilding the addict clients’ social circles. The best choice is to include his aunt, who is already concerned, as it would possibly help him more.
In a nutshell, the aims of the preliminary treatment plan include:
·      Prioritize the client’s immediate security and stability through risk monitoring, which could result in inpatient treatment. 
·      Increase the client’s familial and social support net. It could be achieved through the introduction of community services responsible for his long-term recovery and admission. 
·      Strengthening the individual’s social and family support system. 
For This Part, Part Two: based on the lriginal vignette, you will write 1 full page of interview questions for your client, write a 4 page comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment and WRAP plan (please have WRAP done accurately) and a 2 page reflection (7 pages total)
Be sure to include what interview questions you would ask as part of your biopsychosocial assessment that would help you develop your WRAP plan.    
Elaborate on your assessment questions and assessment considerations
Elaborate on cultural considerations
Consider resources available versus resources needed
Consider justice involvement strategies and whether this would be helpful or hurtful for the individual
Consider trauma and safety issues
Assess for family involvement and identify how to engage the family
Students must submit all three parts of the assignment:
Interview questions (no more than 1 page)
Comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment and WRAP Plan (4 pages)
Reflection paper (2 pages with five sources)

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