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THIS IS MY RESPONSE: Great post Micheal. Staying up to date with the newest tren

July 2, 2024

Great post Micheal.
Staying up to date with the newest trends and
developments is crucial for nurses working in the continually expanding field
of healthcare. As you said in your post, nurses may always improve their
knowledge and abilities by taking advantage of many learning opportunities like
conferences, seminars, workshops, certifications, and research. These
instructional activities raise the standard of patient care overall in addition
to enhancing individual competency. Nurses who prioritize professional development
are better able to adopt best practices, adjust to changes in the healthcare
industry, and ultimately enhance patient outcomes. It’s amazing to observe how
various roles and practice areas are correlated with varying degrees of
education and training. You did an excellent job outlining the specifics of
each nurse’s duty and how they interact. Finding out how APRNs fill the void in
healthcare services during a physician shortage is especially fascinating as it
emphasizes the vital role these professionals play in the healthcare system.
The importance of each nursing position in sustaining and improving patient
care is emphasized in your reference.
The scope of practice and distinct practice competencies of LPNs,
RNs, and APRNs differ. LPNs, also known as LVNs in some areas, provide basic
nursing care under RN and doctor supervision. Their duties include monitoring
patient health, providing basic care that includes giving patients baths,
feeding them, administration of medications, obtaining vital signs, providing
supportive care, and reporting to RNs and doctors. Registered Nurses have a
greater scope of practice than LPNs. The setting in which RNs operate are
clinics, hospitals, nursing homes and doctors’ offices. They evaluate patients,
administer prescriptions medicines, and oversee LPNs and other healthcare
workers. RNs can also specialize in healthcare. APRNs have the broadest area of
practice. They diagnose and treat patients, prescribe drugs, and may be their
primary care provider. Pediatrics, geriatrics, and family practice are common
APRN specialties (Carson-Newman, 2020).
As noted in the American Nurses Association (2015), standard 12 of
the standards of practice outlines the nurse’s involvement in education and the
function of professional development. For competence, and positive patient
outcomes, lifelong learning and professional development is crucial. Nurses
must continue learning to be current in healthcare and nursing practice.
Examples of learning opportunities include but are not limited to workshops,
conferences, seminars, certifications, and research. Education helps keep
nurses up to date on the latest innovations in healthcare.  
Please use proper APA. Examples listed below
Most common format for ARTICLE resource – Pay
attention to capitalization/lowercase and italics/plain text.
Author, A. A/. (Date). Title of article: If there’s a colon, capitalize the
first word after the colon. Journal Title,
pages. URL – ONLY if the link takes the reader DIRECTLY to the article
(Do NOT include a link to a sign-in page (such as the GCU library,
ebscohost, sciencedirect) – If there is not a link DIRECTLY to the source, stop
the reference after the page numbers).
Author, A. A/if organization, Write Out Name in Full – Do not abbreviate
Organization’s Name. (Year). Title of work (x ed.-not in italics). Publisher
(if different from author. DOI (if it has one)
or URL (if it is an e-book without a DOI) 
Jones, L. (2021, September 22). How to eat and stay slim. Journal of Healthy Living, 4(3), 120. http://journalofhealthyliving.org
Long, M.A, and
Short. I.T.
(2020). APA made simple: How to cite references. Happy Writing Magazine, 8(11), 103-105.
Most common format for a BOOK resource
Author, A. A/if organization, Write Out Name in Full – Do not abbreviate
Organization’s Name. (Year). Title of work (x ed.-not in italics). Publisher
(omit if same as author). DOI (if it has one)
or URL (if it is an e-book without a DOI) 
Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2021). The essentials: Core competencies for professional
nursing education. https://www.aacnnursing.org/Portals/0/PDFs/Publications/Essentials-2021.pdf
Martinez, D. L. (2009). Writing with humor (2nd
ed.). A1 Press. http//doi.org/10.1036/0091393733
Most common format for a CHAPTER in a
BOOK resource
Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (Year).
Title of chapter. In E. E. Editor, F. F.
Editor, & G. G. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (X ed., Vol. X, pages). Publisher.
Boone, J. A. & Cairns, C. A. (2008). Writer’s block demystified. In K. Clements, M. L.
Pickle, & L. V. Hanson (Eds.), Writers write
right (3rd ed., pp. 23-37).
Genius Press.
Most common format for a WEBSITE or WEBPAGE (Pay
attention to capitalization/lowercase and italics/plain text.)
Author. (Year, Month day). Title of page. Site
Name (if different from author name). URL
Murphy, P. (2015,
September 23). 7 habits of highly
effective nursing students. Minority Nurse. https://minoritynurse.com/7-habits-of-highly-effective-nursing-students/.
All Nursing Schools Staff. (2019, October 8). Balancing work and nursing school. http://www.allnursingschools.com/articles/balancing-act/
WEBSITE or WEBPAGE with no “apparent author” – look at
the first part of the link
Reference: Arizona Board of Nursing. (2021). Nurse practice act. https://www.azbn.gov/education/nurse-practice-act
Note. When using two or more sources with the same author
and year, add lowercase letters after the year (2011a, 2011b, etc.).
Author. (Year, Month day). Title of page. Site
Name (if different from author name). URL
National Geographic. (2011a). Hybrid Cuban-American crocodiles on the rise. http://bit.ly/24ndK95
National Geographic. (2011b). Iceman’s stomach sampled – filled with goat
meat. http://bit.ly/1QAf58E
One or two authors – paraphrased
information: (Author last name, date). 
Citation: (Martinez, 2009).
Single author – “quoted
information”: (Author last name, date, page number or paragraph number). 
Citation: “quoted information” (Martinez, 2009, p. 3). 
Citation: “quoted information” (Martinez, 2009, para.
Reference: Martinez, D. L. (2009). Writing with humor (2nd
ed.). A1 Press. http//doi.org/10.1036/0091393733
Citation: (Levy and Fagerström,
Two authors – “quoted
information”: (Author last name, Author last name, and Author last name, date,
page number or paragraph number).
Citation: “quoted information” (Levy and Fagerström, 2020, p. 3).
Citation: “quoted information” (Levy and Fagerström, 2020, para.10).
Reference: Levy, M. R.,
and Fagerström, L. (2020). Differences and similarities in scope of practice
between registered nurses and nurse specialists in emergency care: An interview
study. Scandinavian
Journal of Caring Sciences,
34(2), 492–500.
Three or more
authors – paraphrased information: (First author’s last name et al., date)
Citation: (Schnock et
al., 2021).
Three or more
authors – “quoted information”: (First author’s last name et al., date, page
number or paragraph number). (Quotes are not
permitted on any discussion forum. Allowed in assignment submissions)
Citation: (Schnock et
al., 2021, p. 3).
Citation: (Schnock et
al., 2021, para. 10).
Schnock, K. O., Kang, M.-J., Rossetti, S. C., Garcia, J.,
Lowenthal, G., Knaplund, C., Chang, F., Albers, D.,Korach, T. Z., Zhou, L.,
Klann, J. G., Cato, K., Bates, D. W., & Dykes, P. C. (2021). Identifying
nursing documentation patterns associated with patient deterioration and
recovery from deterioration in critical and acute care settings. International
journal of Medical Informatics, 153(4), 206-219.

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