This is a discussion post, I will attach someone else’s response and I want u to reply with a 150-200 rebuttal/submission. Your response should be more than just “I agree/disagree”. Challenge the person’s claim with facts and/or an informed opinion.
The United States Is a democratic republic meaning it has to main parties democratic and republican. The constitution states that federal judges are to be nominated by the president and confirmed by the senate. During the presidencies many federal judges appointees are of the party of the president. Over the years the process of judicial appointments has become partisan which was not the intent. The nominees are questions about issues from gun rights,abortion, to federal power under the commerce law. In other words presidents nominate judges who share the same political perspectives as them. For example, “Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush looked for appointees who supported the ideological and philosophical positions taken by the republican party at that time particularly opposition to governmental intervention in the economy and to abortion.”This is what creates the problem of elected judiciary because judges tend to be partisan instead of A political. The judiciary was made to be unbiased and be neutral to both parties. An unelected judiciary can be more independent from political pressures allowing judges to make final decisions without the influence of political interests. Doing so will prevent the abuse of power and ensure that the government actions are constitutional.Not to mention judges may receive luxurious gifts influencing them to political parties.
The court needs some reform to take place in order to relieve it from bi partisan politics and restore balance. Term limits should be limited because of several reasons including judicial accountability, encouraging diversity and preventing lifetime appointments. The supreme court justices now have served the longest in American history. Supreme justices hold onto their positions until the “right” person is elected into the White House to retire. Creating regular appointments would make the process less political. “Justice Breyer has argued that an 18-year term period would give justices enough time to fully learn the job and develop jurisprudence”. Since judges term is lifetime they get comfortable knowing they can’t get fired because it’s rare. Change will ensure judges are up to date with societal norms and expectations. With regular appointments in the first and third year of presidential election there are greater changes for judges to be appointed from diverse backgrounds. “Term limits will ensure that an entire generation of Americans will not suffer a further loss of their freedoms under a reactionary and partisan Supreme Court, and that no future Senate Leader can stack the Court the way McConnell did.” With term limits there would more effective representative governance.
Court packing is the idea of adding justices to the supreme court or lower courts to shift the balance in a liberal conservative or other direction. Increasing the number of justices can help rebalance the ideological composition of the court. Since it increased in numbers it also does in diverse perspectives preventing political groups dominating the court. “Expansion would allow the president to increase racial and gender diversity on the Court, and to appoint justices with different types of professional experiences. It would let the justices hear more cases each term and return the Court to the historical standard of having one justice oversee each circuit.” Since there aren’t enough judges supreme court cases have also increased heavily over time delaying cases. In general the framers intended to have representative governance. . The government today should intend to uphold that. Expansion of the supreme court is the best way to ensure there are judges that are fair because of their diverse backgrounds. The Supreme court has the final say in the case; it is only fair for the judges to all be unbiased to resolve the case in the most fair way possible.
This is a discussion post, I will attach someone else’s response and I want u to
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