This includes a typed detailed critique of a web site promoting a nutrition-oriented product. Your critique should address the credibility of the claim and if the claim is evidence based. Provide sufficient support for your critique. Be sure your critique addresses the claims credibility, accuracy, reasonableness and support.
Things to consider in your write up – are there “red flags” about the credibility, such as for profit/ something being sold, claim, quick fix, sounds too good to be true. Is there any credibility, such as credible authors, peer reviewed research studies published cited for evidence to support the claim. Is there accuracy, such as stating credible sources of results versus testimonials or opinions. Is it rationale and reasonable, are there conflicts of interest, do they cite sources and have credible references. Your write up should be double spaced and saved as a .docx or .pdf then attached here in Canvas under the Turnitin tab in the bottom. It must be in your own words as plagiarism will result in an F grade on either the assignment or class. Be sure to properly reference your sources using APA or MLA citation methods. Proper grammar should be used in all writing. 2 to 5 pages in length.
How to Spot Fake News – consider the source make sure it is credible, check the author is the person credible and real, check supporting sources – do the facts, sources, studies actually support it, check the date – is it current or out of date, check for biases – consider if the author and/or your own beliefs could affect your judgement, ask the experts – consult a fact-checking site/ credible site and/or the science and evidence yourself.
Be sure you watched and studied the lectures for week 1 as it includes additional details about evaluating and critiquing sources of nutrition information. I will be looking that you concluded whether this is a credible and/or reliable source of information or not with support for your conclusion. click here to access lecture/ videos describing this assignment Week 1 Lectures and Reading plus chapter 1
Paper should be double spaced and 2 to 5 pages in length.
Meets course objectives 3-5 (2 to 5 pages)