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This discussion is designed to guide us through a comparison between Kouzes and

July 9, 2024

This discussion is designed to guide us through a comparison between Kouzes and Posner’s Leadership Practices and Senge’s Five disciplines.  Support your assertions with the scholarly source material. Examine the document showing the table of comparisons and answer the following: 1. In what ways are the two sources suggestive of similar theoretical concepts and/or presentation? 2. How are they different? 3. What are your conclusions about the thinking of these leadership scholars as expressed in the table and regarding additional sources you may elect to include in your discussion   
Please use the attached Documents for this questions. Let the Discussion response be at least 250 words, but have something related to at least 2 attached documents.
Reply to the two discussion post below. Please ensure that the response is at least 100 words. Please keep the response in conversation mode by ending with a question. Do not spend most of the conversation agreeing with everything they states. Keep it conversational.
Good day class,
This week one of our readings analyzed Kouzes and Posner’s leadership practices and Senge’s five disciplines (Gregory, 2010). The five leadership practices of Kouzes and Posner are Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart (Gregory, 2010). Meanwhile, Senge’s five disciplines are Personal Mastery, Building Shared Vision, Mental Models, Team Learning, and Systems Thinking (Gregory, 2010). In addition to being similar in naming convention, the five items in each model are similar in that all elements must be working together for a leader to achieve success (Gregory, 2010). Further, the definitions of each corresponding item (ie Inspire a Shared Vision from Kouzes and Posner compared to Building Shared Vision from Senge) are quite similar in what they are trying to convey (Gregory, 2010).
Although there are many similarities, there are a few slight differences between the two schools of thought. The main difference is that Kouzes and Posner’s model is geared toward tactical implementation by the leader of a team. This conclusion is drawn from the fact that the language used to describe each item in Kouzes and Posner’s model is focused on building relationships in a group setting (Gregory, 2010). Meanwhile, Senge’s model is focused on the operational or even strategic scale for an organization to implement. This conclusion is drawn from how the language used to define each item in Senge’s model is tailored towards building policy to establish a learning organization comprised of effective teams (Gregory, 2010).
My main conclusion from reading the work of these scholars is that leadership looks different at every level. The style and techniques that are successful in leading a small team are not necessarily what will bring success for the leader of a large section or large organization. Therefore, leaders must constantly be learning and improving themselves to keep their organization or sub-organization both effective and cohesive.
Kouzes and Posner’s leadership practices, as outlined in “The Art of Collaborative Leadership: A Comparison of Exemplary Practices and Disciplines,” emphasize five key practices that enable individuals to become exemplary leaders: Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart. These practices emphasize the importance of authenticity, vision, innovation, collaboration, and recognition in leadership. By focusing on cultivating trust, fostering a compelling vision, encouraging innovation, empowering others, and acknowledging achievements, Kouzes and Posner advocate for a leadership approach that is grounded in principles of integrity, inspiration, and engagement.
On the other hand, Senge’s five disciplines provide a systems-thinking perspective on organizational learning and development. Senge advocates for five interconnected disciplines: Personal Mastery, Building Shared Vision, Mental Models, Team Learning, and Systems Thinking. These disciplines highlight the importance of individual growth, challenging assumptions, creating a shared vision, promoting collective learning, and understanding the systemic interrelations within organizations. Senge’s approach emphasizes creating a learning organization that adapts and thrives in complex and dynamic environments.
While both Kouzes and Posner’s model of leadership and Senge’s five disciplines stress the significance of shared vision, collaboration, and continual learning, they differ in their primary focus. Kouzes and Posner’s framework is primarily centered on empowering individuals to effectively lead and inspire others through specific leadership practices and behaviors. On the other hand, Senge’s framework places greater emphasis on fostering a culture of learning and systemic awareness within organizations to foster sustainable growth and drive innovation. Additionally, both models recognize the critical role of values and ethics in guiding the behavior and decision-making of leaders and organizations.

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