2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


The United States government and politicians develop policies that dictate who g

June 21, 2024

The United States government and politicians develop policies that dictate who gets what, when, and how. In some cases, the decisions that are made may be supported by the public, while others may not. Voter ID laws have been a subject of significant debate and controversy in American politics. These laws, implemented at the state level, require voters to present specific forms of identification before casting their ballots. Proponents argue that these laws help prevent voter fraud and ensure the integrity of elections. However, critics raise concerns about potential voter suppression and the unequal impact of such laws on different demographic groups.
In this writing assignment, you will comprehensively analyze the impact of voter ID laws on voter turnout, understanding their significance and controversies. Your study can explore 
Assessing Voter Turnout: Investigate how the implementation of voter ID laws has affected overall voter turnout in states where such laws are in place compared to states without such laws.
Examining Demographic Disparities: Analyze the extent to which voter ID laws disproportionately affect certain demographic groups, such as minorities, low-income individuals, the elderly, and students.
Exploring Voter Fraud Incidents: Evaluate the actual occurrences of voter fraud in states with and without voter ID laws to determine whether these laws effectively address the issue they intend to combat.
Evaluating Equity Implications: Examine the equity implications of voter ID laws, including their potential impact on equal representation and democratic principles.
You will research, analyze, and express your views on how Voter ID laws impact elections and citizens’ access to voting. A compelling and strong research project will present information by critically thinking about the topic. In other words, doing research on the topic, absorbing important information, and using that to form a decision or opinion on your own. You will not be graded on the position you take, but rather on how you go about supporting your position with strong arguments, backed by peer reviewed sources. This project requires early preparation in order to succeed. Follow the directions below to complete your assignment effectively. 
Important Steps to Follow to Create a Strong Research Outline:
Here are a few very important steps to take that will help you with this project: 
Explore the issue:  start by writing freely on the topic of Voter ID issue. This may include any background information you may already know, your own views on the subject, and any opinions you may have heard or read from others. Set time aside to brainstorm ideas on both sides of the issue and list them in separate columns
Focusing the Argument (Write out your thesis statement): In order to really focus your main argument, you will need to take a clear stance on the topic. Express your main point of view in a one sentence thesis. 
Thesis Statement: 
Supporting the Thesis: to plan the argument you must present at least four points that best support your thesis statement. You may find these points in the lists you have created earlier or have new ones from the research you have conducted. As you create your list, you need to ensure that you support each point with specific facts and examples. If you are unable to do so, go back and conduct more research on the topic. Feeling strongly about an issue does not mean you will be able to argue about it effectively. You need to back up your points with solid evidence (facts and examples) that is up to date and accurate information. Use only peer reviewed sources. 
Argument 1
Fact: present background/ factual detailed information that supports your thesis 
Example: present an example about this argument. The example can be a historical, data, etc.  
Source(s): list the sources that support this argument (author, publication title, year, etc.) sources must be peer reviewed. 
Know the other side: A successful research paper will also be able to know/ mention the other positions on the main argument. While discussing your arguments you must also discuss some of the rebuttals to your argument and why they are weak. 
4.Submit your assignment in outline format. Click the following link to fill out the outline prompt with your research. following link to access the fillable Research Project Outline Prompt. Links to an external site.
Be sure to fill out all sections of the Outline Prompt in detail and submit it via canvas on this page. Outline must be typed and submitted on canvas. 

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