2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


The Sacramento Bee’s Cardinal Rules The Sacramento (Calif.) Bee’s Cardinal Rules

June 25, 2024

The Sacramento Bee’s Cardinal Rules
The Sacramento (Calif.) Bee’s Cardinal Rules were introduced between 1857 and 1884 by editor/publisher James McClatchy, and expanded by his son and successor, C. K. McClatchy, according to Eleanor McClatchy, The Bee’s publisher from 1936 to 1978. The Rules were written expressly for reporters and editors but were shared with the paper’s readers for the first time in 1908, when C. K. wrote that they “…constantly stare at the workers on this paper from their frames on the wall.” Which rules still seem appropriate today, and which ones reflect the social values of the period? What rules would you add? Would you delete any rules? What do the rules say about the historical development of journalistic ethics? (make sure to copy and paste each rule and include your responses below each one).
• The Bee demands of all its writers accuracy before anything else. Better to lose an item than make a splurge one day and correct it the next.
• Equally with that, it demands absolute fairness in the treatment of the news. Reports must not be colored to please a friend or wrong an enemy.
• Do not editorialize in the news columns. An accurate report is its own best editorial.
• Do not exaggerate. Every exaggeration hurts immeasurably the cause it pretends to help.
• If a mistake is made, it must be corrected. It is as much the duty of a Bee writer to work to the rectification of a wrong done by an error in an item, as it is first to use every precaution not to allow that error to creep in.
• Be extremely careful of the names and reputations of women. Even when dealing with an unfortunate, remember that so long as she commits no crime, other than her own sin against chastity, she is entitled to at least pity.
• The names of rape victims of all ages will not be used except when death occurs or extraordinary circumstances are involved. This applies not only in cases reported to the law enforcement authorities but also in reporting rape trials in open court.
• Sneers at race or religion, or physical deformity, will not be tolerated. Dago, Mick, Sheeny, even Chink or Jap, these are absolutely forbidden. This rule of regard for the feelings of others must be observed in every avenue of news, under any and all conditions.
• There is a time for humor and a time for seriousness. The Bee likes snap and ginger at all times. It will not tolerate flippancy on serious subjects on any occasion.
• The furnisher of an item is entitled to a hearing for his side at all times, not championship. If the latter is ever deemed necessary, the editorial department will attend to it.
• Interviews given the paper at the paper’s request are to be considered immune from sneers or criticism.
• In every accusation against a public official or private citizen, make every effort to have the statement of the accused given prominence in the original item.
• In the case of charges which are not ex officio or from a public source, it is better to lose an item than to chance the doing of a wrong.
• Consider The Bee always as a tribunal which desires to do justice to all; which fears far more to do injustice to the poorest beggar than to clash swords with wealthy injustice.
(make sure to copy and paste each rule and include your responses below each one).

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