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The purpose of this assignment is to empower undergraduate students in the field

June 13, 2024

The purpose of this assignment is to empower undergraduate students in the field of health psychology with the knowledge and skills to critically evaluate and reflect upon real-world prevention plans designed to mitigate the incidence of cancer, chronic illness, and disease. By selecting and analyzing specific prevention plans that target lifestyle changes and risk factors within distinct communities, cultures, or subcultures, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between health psychology principles and culturally diverse populations.
After reviewing the Class and Topic Resources, write a 1,000-1,500-word reflective critique paper on a plan to prevent or reduce the incidence of cancer, chronic illness, and/or disease. The plan will focus on lifestyle changes and risk factors, in addition to elements that promote wellness, while decreasing illness and current high rates [prevalence] of cancers, chronic illnesses, and disease. It is important to use current scholarly research when analyzing a plan. The elements selected should be supported by this research.
In this assignment, you will explore and reflect on real prevention plans designed to prevent or reduce the incidence of cancer, chronic illnesses, and diseases. These plans focus on lifestyle changes and risk factors, with an emphasis on promoting wellness and decreasing illness rates within specific communities, cultures, or subcultures. Your task is to choose one of the prescribed prevention plans and write a reflective critique supported by scholarly research. It is important to use current scholarly research when formulating a plan.
Use four or six current scholarly resources to support your discussion. Your textbook and scholarly internet sources are acceptable. Scholarly support is evidenced by in-text citations that match source references. 
Part 1: Select a Prevention Plan
Choose one of the following prevention plans categories below. You may choose one of the two provided prevention plans in the chosen category or locate another prevention program in that category.
Healthy Lifestyle Promotion for Reducing Heart Disease: Investigate a prevention plan aimed at reducing heart disease and improving overall health through lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, and stress management.
Smoking Cessation and Lung Cancer Prevention: Examine a program focused on reducing lung cancer incidence by targeting smoking cessation within a specific community.
Obesity Prevention and Diabetes Management: Explore a prevention plan that addresses obesity to prevent and manage diabetes within a particular cultural or subcultural context.
Breast Cancer Screening and Early Detection: Analyze a breast cancer prevention plan that emphasizes regular screening and early detection strategies tailored to a specific community’s needs.
Substance Abuse Prevention Among Adolescents: Investigate a prevention plan targeting substance abuse among adolescents, considering the unique challenges faced by this age group.
Links to resources for each of these prevention plan categories are located in the Topic Resources
Part 2: Prevention Plan Reflection
Heading (Introduction)
Provide a brief introduction to the experienced problem, cancer, chronic illness, and/or disease and its prevalence.
Subheading (Background)
Describe the background of the chosen community/culture/subculture. Including but not limited to the following:
What is the background of the chosen community/culture/subculture? (i.e., demographics, such as age, education, race, sex); Explain the historical factors that are important to the plan and the perceived positive and/or negative effects on health care (i.e., norms, traditions);
Explain why it is important to apply a prevention or reduction program (consider risk factors and current rates of cancer, chronic illness, or disease) to the chosen community/culture/subculture.
Justify the significance of implementing a plan within this community/culture/subculture for the prevention or reduction of incidence. Describe the specific problem related to cancer, chronic illness, or disease that prompted the creation and implementation of the prevention plan.
Heading (Prevention Plan Overview)
Provide an overview of the chosen prevention plan.
Subheading (Components of the Prevention Plan)
Describe how the plan is implemented and where it is based (e.g., hospital, school).
Describe several components of the prevention plan, including factors correlated with the chosen community/culture/subculture (e.g., education, socioeconomic status, lifestyle behaviors, health behaviors, self-care, exercise, nutrition, conflicts with mainstream medicine, religious/spiritual factors).
Heading (Reflection)
Reflect on the viability of the prevention plan and how it is promoted.
Explain how the plan positively effects factors described for the community/culture/subculture in relation to the cancer/illness or disease.
Subheading (Reflective Critique)
Identify obstacles that might hinder the plan’s success and propose strategies to overcome these obstacles. These obstacles might include the existing plan, dynamics of the population, or other problems.
Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen prevention plan.
Consider what you would change or improve about the plan to make it more effective, culturally sensitive, or inclusive.
Provide evidence-based recommendations for enhancing the plan’s impact on the selected community/culture/subculture.
Discuss any ethical considerations or potential unintended consequences of your proposed changes.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
Benchmark Information
This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:
BS Psychology; BS Psychology, Forensic Psychology; BS Psychology, Performance and Sport Psychology
3.4: Incorporate sociocultural factors in scientific inquiry.

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