The purpose of this assessment is twofold: (1) to ensure that you are keeping up with the required articles readings for this course and (2) to ensure that you are prepared to participate in lecture discussion. You will be required to write a reflection on the required reading.
Your reflection can include but is not limited to the following: (a) a brief summary of the article but be sure to incorporate some of the other elements listed; (b) something you learned; (c) something you found interesting; (d) something that relates to your own life; (e) something that relates to course materials (lectures, other articles, previous discussions, etc.); (f) something that relates to real-world events/news; and/or (g) anything else that indicates a thoughtful reflection of the required reading. Feel free to use a combination of these.
Your reflection must be 1-2 pages double spaced. That is, there is no need to spend a lot of time on this assignment writing a full-length paper. Again, the purpose is simply to ensure that you have read and are prepared to contribute something to discussion. APA format is NOT required for Article Reflections. No need to cite the article since your reflection will be about it anyways. Citing the lecture or textbook in APA is also not required for these. If you do relate the current article to another article in the class, please mention which article you are referring by the author’s name or you can cite it like (Author, 2021) in the text.
I would highly recommend highlighting, making notes/annotations while reading to make writing your reflection easier. The pdf of the article is available to download below: