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The People v. O. J. Simpson: American Crime Story What was most responsible? OJ

May 2, 2024

The People v. O. J. Simpson: American Crime Story
What was most responsible?
OJ Simpson was found not guilty by a jury of his peers for the murder of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. There are a lot of people who disagreed with the verdict reached, but the jury made the decision it did. There are 3 parts to this culminating assignment.
A. Outline
You will be responsible for putting together an outline as if you are writing at least a five- paragraph essay, with a strong thesis analyzing, what was most responsible for the acquittal of OJ Simpson? You need to choose any three very specific aspects of the case. Why were those the most compelling reasons that he was found not guilty? Consider the actions of the defense, the prosecution, the judge, the jury and the media in your reasoning.
Feel free to research outside of the series. You should have an outline complete in Times New Roman, double-spaced, 12 font and your outline should include the following:
1. provide a quick summary of the case and write a thesis statement about what was most responsible.
2. 1st body paragraph- analyze one aspect of his case (with pieces of evidence)
3. 2nd body paragraph- analyze another important aspect of his case (with pieces of
specific 4.
3rd body paragraph- analyze another aspect of his case (with pieces of evidence)
5. Conclusion- Your conclusion should address the idea of innocence, guilt, trials, by jury, inequities in the justice system, etc, on a scale grander than just the OJ trial and discuss if you think he is guilty or not and why, using formal writing ( meaning no 1st/ 2nd person- no I, you, us, we, our)
I. Introduction
A. Background
B. Thesis (you must have a thesis)
Il. Topic sentence for body paragraph 1
A. Sub point/supporting detail
1. Example/ Evidence from case
2. Example/Evidence from case
B. Sub point/supporting detail
1. Example/Evidence from case
2. Example/Evidence from case
C. Sub point/supporting detail
1. Example/Evidence from case
2. Example/Evidence from case
*you might have less than 3 examples-depends on your subtopic
III. Topic sentence for body paragraph 2
Same as above
IV. Topic sentence for body paragraph 3
Same as above
V. Conclusion
A. Write an actual concluding paragraph which addresses the questions on the assignment sheet.
evidence contributing to guilt: 
-Didn’t ask how she died 
-murder between 10-11pm, flight was at 11:45pm
-prior conviction for assault (beating up Nicole) and never did community service
-eight 9-1-1 calls
-history of violence and battery  (smashed windshield)
-unable to provide an exact timeframe
-keeps changing story about hand injury
-very angry 
-failed polygraph test
-glove by air conditioner
-blood on Bronco 
-drops of blood leading into house
-2 gloves 
-trail of blood
-OJ’s finger is bandaged up
-failed polygraph test 
-DNA shows blood is Simpson’s type
-glove is a mix of Simpson and Nicole
-wants to kill himself (seems serious; writes will, letters to family)
-never turned himself in, Bronco gone
-suicide note signed with happy face
-mentally unstable (in backseat of Bronco with gun to his head then driver flees from police)
-says he “deserves to get hurt” when talking to police in back of Bronco
-Nicole and Goldman’s blood found in Bronco
-trial of OJ’s blood into bedroom
-he ran 
-suicide letter sounds like an admission of guilt
-overwhelming physical evidence
-9-1-1 tapes  from Nicole Brown released by media
-OJ was going to fly to the Bahamas from Mexico day of slow police chase (had passport with him) 
-serial abuser, 62 past examples
-solid timeline (small window)
-blood in car, driveway, socks
-jealous of Nicole’s new lover
-blood trail, blood on glove matches defendant
-all 3 people’s blood in Bronco 
-Mark Fuhrman: blood smudge, possible partial fingerprint = someone fled the scene bleeding, Bronco had blood on it, package with shipping label inside Bronco said it was Simpson’s car 
-Mr. Kalen head thumping noise
not guilty: 
-genuinely shocked at detective’s phone call
-Said he will get on next flight home
-Crying in hotel room 
-character witnesses say he’s the nicest guy, hard to imagine him doing this, charming
-happy and willing to cooperate with police
-tells lawyer he didn’t do it and that he loved her. 
-says polygraph test was obviously incorrect as he is emotional with Nicole dying and then them bringing up her name
-seems mentally unstable when he had the gun
-just an innocent black man fleeing the racist LAPD
-very emotional when talking to Cochrane, says Nicole was the “center of his world”
-compromised, contaminated, corrupt evidence by LAPD 
-OJ shoes were taken home by detective overnight – could be contaminated
-Fuhrman pleads the 5th to all questions including whether or not he planted evidence or falsified police reports
Witness testimony:
-loud banging on air conditioner (renter)
-Jill Shivley – says white vehicle ran red light, driving erratically, says it was OJ, did an interview for $, may not have credibility with jury
-Airport driver says buzzed gate at 10:40pm and no response, just before 11pm  man goes into house, Bronco was not there when driver arrived
-neighbours hear dogs barking at 10:15pm
-friends (Kris Jenner and friend) said Nicole was terrified of him, said OJ had a temper, talked about photos of abuse to Nicole’s face
-OJ’s renter (Mr. Kalen) refuses to answer questions
-AC (driver of Bronco)?
-Ron Goldman’s dad – read autopsy report 
-Faye Resnick (Nicole’s friend- book deal) ?
-Salinger’s maid saw Bronco parked outside (OJ’s neighbour)
-Mark Fuhrman- untrustworthy because he has used the word “nigger”
-Mary Ann Gerches
-Rosa Lopez – housekeeper of Simpson’s neighbour, unreliable – lied about plane ticket, changed testimony of when she saw the Bronco
-Alan Austin
expert witnesses: 
-criminalist to determine blood on Bronco
-polygraph examiner
-Barry Sheck – DNA expert- wants to show there were errors in collection of DNA, contamination 
-Criminalist- analyze hair samples
-ex-wife with younger man
-past issues of abuse – this was just next logical move
other contributing facts:
-race issue with LAPD – Simpson arrested without cause 
-LAPD “war with African Americans”
-difficult to find an unbiased jury with all the media coverage
-TIME magazine  makes OJ “blacker”
-Detective Mark Ferman admitted racist- set up OJ? 
-Conspiracy theory – LAPD history of racism 
-impossible for a black man to have a fair experience with LAPD
-Shapiro not liked by Cochrane – Prosecution could pit them against each other
-Cochrane directly affected by racist cop when pulled over
-Cochrane has history of domestic abuse, tried to bribe first wife with property to keep her mouth shut
-tone of trial – Marcia’s haircut and outfits getting more publicity than actual trial

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