2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA



must cite sources following one of the three formats: 
The Chicago Manual of Style (http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html) 
MLA (https://guides.libraries.psu.edu/mlacitation/intext) 
APA (https://guides.libraries.psu.edu/apaquickguide/intext) 
Description of the Final Paper:   The purpose of the Final Paper is to identify at least one primary source from any area or period of your interest and write a paper demonstrating the intersections of gender, family, and the nationstate.
This is the topic: 
Mary Jo Maynes and Ann Waltner provide a broad and inclusive definition of family: “Families are small groups of people linked by culturally recognized ties of marriage or similar forms of partnership, descent, and/or adoption, who typically share a household for some period of time. This co-residence is necessarily temporary and varies over the stages of the family cycle. Families are thus not identical to households. Family members do not always share a residence.” (Maynes & Waltner, x)
Based on the above characterization, would you argue family as a historical or natural institution? How does it emerge as an important agent of historical transformation? Is there a relationship between family and power? Briefly explain your answer by drawing on examples from any specific geographical, social, and cultural context that we studied.
The essay must have:
An Outline (No longer than a page): An outline should have the following:
1 Title;
2 Introduction: A Thesis Statement with sources in the first two paragraphs;
Example: Based on a reading of domestic economy manuals such as Mrs. Beeton’s Book of Household Management (1861), my paper examines the notion of Victorian domesticity as it unfolded in nineteenth century England.
It must indicate periodicity and the immediate context (Example: The ideology of domesticity in Victorian England (1837-1901); Masculinities and manliness in the nineteenth-century US).
3 Context or Historical Background of the subject under study. You may indicate why it is important.
4 Causes – their implication and interconnectedness explaining the significance of the problem you are investigating.
5 Significance: Why the project is important; how it evolved or changed over time – changes indicate not necessarily progress or development—but continuity and changes.  
6 Complexity and contingency of several factors that explain the situation/event/individual you are studying.
7 Conclusion, summing up your findings and mirroring the Introduction.
The essay would include all of the above bulleted items as sub-sections. It must evince use of 2-3 scholarly sources  primary and secondary sources , must including the textbook( The Family A World History Mary Jo Maynes and Ann Waltner ) also (For internet sources do NOT use sites that end with .com. Look for ones that end with .org or .edu
Write short, clear, and complete sentences.
Follow the guidelines below (From Amitava Kumar’s Ten Rules of Writing) http://indianquarterly.com/10-rules-of-writing/
Do not write long sentences.
A sentence should not have more than 10 or 12 words.
Make a clear statement in Active Voice.
It should add to the statement that went before. A good paragraph is a series of clear, linked statements.
Do not use big words.
If your computer tells you that your average word is more than five letters long, there is something wrong. The use of small words compels you to think about what you are writing. Even difficult ideas can be broken down into small words.
Never use words whose meanings you are not sure of.
If you break this rule you should look for other work.
The beginner should avoid using adjectives, except those of colour, size and number.
Use as few adverbs as possible.
Avoid the abstract.
Always go for the concrete

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Can you get me a good grade? It’s my final project and I need a good grade.

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