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The paper i am providing is my first attempt at this assignment, below the instr

The paper i am providing is my first attempt at this assignment, below the instructions, I need the following Criterion added or editted into the paper, If possible, please highlight all addittions/edits made.  
Instructions:  For this assessment, you will recommend a game plan for team development that includes interventions that promote conflict resolution, collaboration, and goal attainment. You will research best practices in team interactions and focus on competencies for effective team collaboration and team leadership as well as how to develop effective professional communication skills for the workplace. 
Conduct research to complete the following. In a Word document, address the following:
Analyze characteristics of effective team leadership.
Examine models of effective team leadership.
Propose interventions to promote collaboration and goal attainment.
Recommend a game plan for team development and conflict resolution within a team.
Criterion 1:
Attempt 1: You analyzed effective team leadership. To achieve distinguished for this criterion, synthesize characteristics of effective team leadership with “best practices as identified in the literature.” Your “synthesis” should include a scholarly paragraph that includes a main idea, evidence from multiple sources, and analysis of those multiple sources together to address effective team leadership. DETAILS A synthesis in academic writing is when you incorporate several sources with different viewpoints into your discussion. This requires that you review a variety of sources, identify their relationship to your topic, and incorporate into your discussion. Synthesis integrates information from multiple sources, which demonstrates to your reader that you have done the necessary research to fully engage with a topic. Synthesizing information is the opposite of analyzing information, which you have done in this criterion. When you read an article, extrapolate specific concepts to understand it. This is analyzing. When you synthesize information, you extrapolate specific concepts and consider them together to understand how they compare/contrast and how they relate to one another. Synthesis involves combining multiple elements to create a whole. An example of a synthesizing information can be stated as follows: Doe (2023) asserted that leadership is… Johnson (2022) found that effective leadership is… According to both Doe and Johnson, effective leadership is… The combined conclusions of Doe and Johnson indicate that leadership is…The evidence demonstrate that leadership is… Johnson is correct that effective leadership is…; however, I agree with Doe’s conclusion that leadership is…
Criterion 2: 
Attempt 1: You examined the transformational, transactional, and servant leadership models, including a discussion of accountability; however, to achieve distinguished, recommend processes to hold people accountable for each model. For this criterion, learners are required to examine team leadership and not team management. Leadership and team management are essential for organizational success, but their differences lie in focus, scope, and impact. Leadership emphasizes long-term vision, strategy, and motivation, while team management is more operationally driven, focusing on short-term goals and task execution. DETAILS To achieve distinguished, make recommendations for processes to hold people accountable. Accountability is built on clear expectations. Without clear expectations, you will not be able to monitor progress or evaluate results. Having regular conversations with team members about progress and performance is a process for accountability. Praise team members for good results and coach them when they fall short is another process for accountability. To do this, examine models of effective team leadership that “recommends processes to hold people accountable.” Setting clear goals and expectations is an essential part of holding team members accountable. Examples include utilizing mistakes as a learning experience to coach people through their errors rather than finding a solution for people, by allowing them to go through the problem-solving process; providing regular feedback to help people figure out if they are meeting expectations; creating a system to measure the progress of the team (i.e., weekly progress reports, peer reviews, daily check-ins, key performance). indicators, etc.); being a consistent role model; and setting clear expectations on day one is just a few.
Criterion 3:
Attempt 1: There is an attempt to propose interventions to promote collaboration and goal attainment. Which of the interventions are for collaboration, and which are for goal attainment? This is not clearly delineated in your paper. Go beyond the requirement for basic and discuss goal attainment, which is the process through which humans and resources are assembled for the attainment of collective goals and purposes. To achieve proficient, delineate collaboration interventions and goal attainment interventions. For example, collaboration interventions in healthcare include randomized trials and sharing patient care between nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals. For goal attainment interventions in healthcare, patients who are diagnosed with diabetes educate themselves about their disease, including learning how to recognize symptoms and understanding how to perform appropriate diabetes management and medication regimens. To achieve distinguished, propose interventions to promote collaboration and goal attainment and then “recommend best practices.” For example, in collaboration, how do you foster a sense of responsibility, set measurable goals, lead by example, create a judgment-free work environment, encourage employees to socialize outside of work, reward efforts, etc.? In goal attainment, how do you know what you want to achieve, set goals at the team level, let people develop their own goals, set deadlines, track progress on goals, help people meet their goals, learn from mistakes, etc.?
Criterion 4:
Attempt 1: Where are the steps in developing a team? This criterion is flawed because the “steps of team development” are deficient in this criterion. To achieve basic, Capella requires learners to include “steps for team development [and] conflict resolution.” To achieve proficient, identify the [steps] for team development and conflict resolution in your paper. For example, Tuckman’s Model (forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning) is often used for team development and to address conflict resolution in teams. To achieve distinguished, recommend a game plan for team development and conflict resolution within a team and “explain the overall importance.” What is the overall importance of recommending a game plan? After completing team building activities together, team members can better understand each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and interests. This understanding helps teams work even better together on future progress and resolve conflicts, which is vital to the success of the organization. When everyone is contributing their best, it sets the tone for a positive work culture and environment.
Criterion 5:
For the criterion if, throughout your paper that you “Write coherently, concisely, logically, and with “strong support from relevant professional resources,” in an “appropriate format,” with “correct grammar, usage” (the way in which words and phrases are used throughout your paper; i.e., conciseness by eliminating redundant or unnecessary wording; clarity in writing with specific rather than vagueness in descriptions and explanations), and “mechanics” (all aspects of language such as word order, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling) as expected of a health care administration professional.” Refer to additional resources document attached with your submission comments to review and compare to your paper for any research, formatting, grammar, usage, or mechanic issues that may be lacking or deficient in your paper.

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