The general expectation of the Short Essay Exam 1
Students are expected to reflect on their knowledge in this short writing, including but not limited: 1) what they’ve learned about disasters, 2) theories explaining the background, pathways, and mechanisms connecting the ‘processes’ of the disasters and vulnerabilities, 3) link their knowledge and interviewee’s experience of the disaster.
General requirements of the Short Essay Exam 1
1) The essay exam should be within five pages, but if the student needs more space to explain, you could write more even though it would not guarantee a higher score.
2) Students can choose the space option (single or double space) based on the volume of the assignment. The font size should be 12, preferably using Times New Roman font.
3) Students don’t need to include identifiable information about the interviewee but simply state it as ‘one of my family members’ or ‘one of my friends,’ showing that an interviewee is a real person. No transcriiption of the interview is required to save your time and space.
3) Students MUST include the information about the disaster as
the information of the disaster (if nationally recognized, you can refer to the name of the disaster)
background of the disaster (the damage, death tolls, etc.) in the student’s best knowledge
reflection on the course contents (theory, articles, linking macro and micro, processes of inequality, vulnerability) in students’ best knowledge.
d) proper citation based on a consistent citation style (ASA, APA or other citation styles). If students want to use citation software, the demonstration video is ready [link] – you have to download a free citation assistant software, Zotero, can be found at
e) only including the summarization of the interview and course contents would be associated with a minimal score for the essay