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the differing perspectives of mental health between the American and Nepali cult

June 19, 2024

the differing perspectives of mental health between the American and Nepali cultures.
This assignment requires the student to compare and contrast the health beliefs (e.g., the concept of autonomy, health practices, and coping behaviors) and/or mental health illnesses of “main-stream” American values and culture with that of a minority, ethnic culture (e.g., Hispanic, Black, Asian, Vietnamese, American Indian, Eastern Indian, Pacific Islander, different religions etc.) Topics? For example, a student asked about doing a paper on eating disorders. To do this, you would need to find a journal article about eating disorders of people in a different cultural group than mainstream Western, white American people. You would then choose 3-5 things about how eating disorders are treated or the thought process of those with eating disorders, or how others view eating disorders, etc in the cultural group, and compare/contrast that with the same 3 things in mainstream American culture.
Use a minimum of one scholarly research article (do not rely on websites – utilize the TCC library) and nursing textbook, to support the need for transcultural competent nursing care to provide safe, effective care to a patient from a diverse, minority ethnic culture.
The page limit is 2 pages plus the title and reference pages. That means you’ll have an introduction, 3-5 topics of comparison, and a conclusion for a total of 4-6 paragraphs. That is ALL you need.
Chase LE, Sapkota RP, Crafa D, Kirmayer LJ. Culture and mental health in Nepal: an interdisciplinary scoping review. Glob Ment Health (Camb). 2018 Nov 5;5:e36. doi: 10.1017/gmh.2018.27. PMID: 30455971; PMCID: PMC6236213.
i attached the full rubric below
Purpose of the Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to assist the student in understanding the relevance of transcultural nursing (www.madelline-
leninger.com) and its application to psychiatric/mental health nursing. This assignment will require the student to compare and
contrast “mainstream” American culture with a minority, ethnically diverse culture. The following conceptual definitions are to be used
to provide standardized definitions for the purpose of this assignment.
Additionally, the student is advised to read Chapter:
Cultural Implications found in textbook).
Culturally Competent Nursing Care
Cultural competence in health care is broadly defined as the ability of providers and organizations to understand and integrate
these factors into the delivery and structure of the health care system. The goal of culturally competent health care services is
to provide the highest quality of care to every patient, regardless of race, ethnicity, cultural background, English proficiency or
literacy https://hpi.georgetown.edu/agingsociety/pubhtml/cultural/cultural.html.
Mainstream (i.e. dominant) Culture Defined
The majority of the population of a culture generally sets the dominant culture (i.e. mainstream culture). Historically, the
the dominant culture has often exercised control over law, communication (designated language), political processes, educational
Summer 2024: RNSG 2163: Clinical Course Syllabus
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institutions, business practices, and creative expression. A culture is dominant within society when that culture establishes
specific behaviors or a set of rituals, values, and social norms.
Characteristics of a Minority, Ethnic culture
An ethnic minority is a group of people who differ in race or color or in national, religious, or cultural origin from the dominant
group — often the majority population — of the country where they live. The different identity of an ethnic minority may be
displayed in any number of ways, ranging from distinctive customs, lifestyles, language or accent, dress, and food
preferences to attitudes, moral values, health beliefs, and economic or political beliefs espoused by members of the group.
Psychiatric/Mental Health Standard 4: Planning of Care
The psychiatric/mental health nurse will develop an individualized plan of care in partnership with the healthcare consumer
(i.e. patient/client), family, and others considering the healthcare consumer’s characteristics … that may include, but are not
limited to values, beliefs, spiritual and health practices, preferences, choices, developmental level, coping styles, culture, and
environment. (ANA’s Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice).
Student Learning Outcomes
The student will be able to:
1. Compare and contrast the health beliefs (e.g., concept of autonomy, health practices, and coping behaviors) and/or mental
health illnesses of “main-stream” American values and culture with that of a minority, ethnic culture (e.g., Hispanic, Black,
Asian, Vietnamese, American Indian, Eastern Indian, Pacific Islander, etc.)
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Complete a written paper about culturally competent care, using APA format with Headings, cover sheet and reference page.

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