2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


-The cross posts should provide new or supplemental information to the original

June 17, 2024

-The cross posts should provide new or supplemental information to the original posting or raise additional areas for discussion.
-At least 2 peer reviewed references for each post.
First post:
Significance of Collaboration
Interprofessional collaboration specializes in bringing together different professionals from different fields to provide optimal patient care (Peltonen et al., 2019). Interprofessional collaboration is also critical for addressing patient needs and providing safe, practical, and well organized care (Peltonen et al., 2019). Moreover, Interprofessional collaboration improves the caliber of care, facilitates communication, minimizes healthcare errors, and maximizes resource management (Schot et al., 2019).
Interprofessional Collaboration
The IPEC is vital for patient care and can help prevent adverse events and promote a culture of safety within healthcare organizations. (Interprofessional Education Collaborative, 2023, p. 19). As it stands, there are currently 33 IPEC core competencies and sub competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice. Stepping into the role of a nurse practitioner, I will commit to RR1 which is vital to optimal healthcare for patients. RR1 is listed under Roles and Responsibilities and Focuses on knowledge, attitudes and skills of team members in the healthcare setting (Interprofessional Education Collaborative, 2023, p. 19). These skills help team members provide patient centered care that is cost effective, timely, efficient, and equitable.
When searching websites to generate more effective interpersonal conflict management skills, ChatGPT identified active listening, empathy, and collaborative problem-solving as the top three behaviors for achieving greater effectiveness (OpenAI, 2024).
Active listening is a crucial skill for Nurse Practitioners (NP). Active listening can help NPs build relationships with patients, gather vital information, and provide optimal care (Kim et al., 2020). Active listening can also help ensure NPs accurately diagnose and treat their patients (Kim et al., 2020). New studies reveal that inadequate listening practices impact over 70% of the healthcare workforce. This leads to miscommunications, errors, disputes, and delays in care (McKenna et al., 2020)
Empathy is a vital element between NPs and their patients. For example, Nembhard et al., (2022) found that greater empathy is associated with better clinical outcomes and patient care experiences. Taking on one’s thoughts and emotions in order to truly understand their experience helps not only build the NP patient relationship but also builds lasting trust (Yu et al., 2022).
Collaborative problem solving in the healthcare system is addressing issues by gathering different professionals to share ideas and find solutions (Javed et al., 2020). NPs can use collaborative problem solving by utilizing other health professionals when providing optimal patient care.
Defensive Behaviors
As I prepare myself to become a NP, one of my concerns is becoming defensive with a patient. It is so crucial to remain calm and actively listen to the patient. Jim Tamm’s presentation on “Cultivating Collaboration: Don’t Be So Defensive!” points out that as we become defensive our IQ can drop 20 points creating an even more disastrous outcome (TED, 2015). Communicating logically and in a calm manner while addressing concerns of the patient is top priority.
Joy Dolls “Collaboration in Health Care: The Journey of an Accidental Expert?” speaks to burnout of health professionals (TED, 2018). Joy relates burnout to lack of collaboration between health professionals. I feel as a nurse and future NP, burnout is ever present and looking into ways to prevent it is critical. Cultivating meaningful relationships with other health professionals and creating a safety net, reduces burnout and promotes optimal patient care (TED, 2018).
second Post:
Significance of Collaboration
Interprofessional collaboration involves professionals from different disciplines working together to provide comprehensive patient care. It is essential for addressing the complex needs of patients and delivering high-quality, patient-centered care (Laura, 2024). In today’s healthcare environment, interprofessional collaboration leads to improved patient outcomes, better coordination of services, and a more holistic approach to healthcare (Laura, 2024). Additionally, it can enhance the quality of care, streamline communication, reduce medical errors, and optimize resource utilization (Laura, 2024).
Interprofessional Collaboration
The sub-competency I will commit to as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMNHP) from the core competencies of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice is TT5, interpersonal conflict management (Interprofessional Education Collaborative, 2023, p. 19). When prompted to “formulate three behaviors to accomplish more effective interpersonal conflict management skills,” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated “active listening, empathy, and cultural competency” (OpenAI, 2024).
The ability to actively listen is essential for PMHNPs. Developing effective active listening skills can foster growth and empathy in appointment sessions. In a recent meta-analysis study, Swift et al. (2021) discovered that active listening significantly improved patient care outcomes. Patients whose preferences were considered were found to be twice as likely to complete their treatment and report positive outcomes (Swift et al., 2021). Furthermore, research suggests that clients’ perception of active listening can lead to positive emotional responses and help build trust (Kawamichi et al., 2015, as cited in Ricks & Brannon, 2023).
Empathy is a skill and a crucial element in the therapeutic relationship between PMHNPs and their patients. It creates an understanding and inviting space for patients, which can improve attitudes toward individuals with mental illness and help reduce the stigma associated with cognitive disorders (Tippin & Maranzan, 2019, as cited in Roman-Sanchez et al., 2022). Moreover, several studies have indicated that empathy and caring for mental health patients help protect nurses from burnout and improve their connection with their patients (Roman-Sanchez et al., 2022).
It is essential to demonstrate cultural competence by considering various cultural aspects during interpersonal interactions, conflict resolution, and overall patient care (Green & Johnson, 2015). Understanding how culture influences one’s perspective on healthcare and mental wellness is also crucial for providing effective and empathetic care to individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds (Mahoney et al., 2006). By understanding the impact of cultural aspects on perceptions, communication styles, and conflict resolution preferences, as a future PMHNP, I will promote an approach that respects cultural differences, promotes inclusivity, and encourages patient understanding.
Defensive Behaviors
As I prepare for a future interprofessional collaborative member role, I reflect on how I respond when feeling defensive. Tamm’s TED talk made me realize that my early indicators of defensiveness include increased pulse rate, tearfulness, and obsessive thinking (TED, 2015). To address this, I will concentrate on slowing down my thoughts and employing positive self-talk, which assists me in being less defensive and creates room for conflict resolution (TED, 2015). Doll’s TED talk also emphasized the importance of psychological safety in interprofessional collaborative teams (TED, 2018). When team members feel psychologically safe, they communicate openly, share perspectives, and contribute to problem-solving and decision-making (TED, 2018). Psychological safety promotes mutual respect, trust, and support, creating a conducive environment for effective collaboration and conflict resolution, ultimately improving patient care, job satisfaction, and overall team well-being (TED, 2018).

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