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The assignment requires you fill out this worksheet: Fact-Checking Media.docx Do

June 24, 2024

The assignment requires you fill out this worksheet: Fact-Checking Media.docx Download Fact-Checking Media.docx 
For this assignment, you will be selecting a popular media source (think verywellmind.org, Youtube, TEDtalks) and evaluating the source material. You will be required to find two peer-reviewed articles from our library. Feeling lost? Here’s a quick walkthrough video from Dr. Hawk, program coordinator, on how to access the BCCC library to access psychology databases.
https://youtu.be/evdm_ajgSi8Links to an external site.
I encourage you to watch the following video if you need additional clarification:
https://bccc-edu.zoom.us/rec/share/ckfG2QteGe4cKdIEkGJ-jD7SelFrHq2YQy12TmpQCw1PULj8D0SjvVMDHMZkfULS.o0J1XQoBNkscruv7?startTime=1662058048000 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
o    Passcode: *uVDyCn5
Remember Part 1 of the Scientific Literacy Track? We talked about CRAAP testing. As you move forward in your education, you will likely be expected to use more primary sources (often research studies) in your work.  However, it would not be efficient to always search through the bodies of research to obtain information on a topic.  Therefore, we need to explore how we can better choose sources that provide accurate, useful information. 
You can also check out this website for a quick refresher:
** For psychology, the guideline is to have sources that have been published (or updated) within last 5-7 years. 
Fact Checking Rubric (1)
Fact Checking Rubric (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePopular Media Source identified
Student shared both the title of the media source and link to the resource in the box provided.
2 pts
Full Marks
Both topic title (AKA: Divided Attention) and link to resource are shared.
1.2 pts
Some information shared, but not all.
0 pts
This box is empty.
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary of Popular Media Source
Please summarize the content in about a paragraph, pretend you’re explaining this to someone that hasn’t seen it before.
5 pts
Accomplished: You painted a clear picture with enough details and examples that someone who hadn’t looked at your source would understand. Nice work!
3 pts
You had a good start here but needed just a few more details to make it apparent what your popular media source was about. Remember: explain this to someone who has never seen the material before (or taken a psychology class)!
2 pts
Good start! More detail was needed to make it clear that you understood the material. A marker of understanding is being able to explain the topic to someone else with no knowledge in the material. I like to picture my grandma in my brain when I’m checking my own work. Would she understand this?
0 pts
No summary provided.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCRAAP Test
Student clearly identified markers in their popular media source of:
10 pts
You clearly marked CRAAP (or lack of CRAAP) levels for your popular media source. Well done!
7 pts
Nice work! You had almost all the CRAAP levels marked and linked back to your source (e.g. C: article published in 2020). Be sure to clearly assess CRAAP for your article on all levels.
4 pts
You had a good start here but didn’t link it back to your own articles. Remember, the CRAAP test is meant to be applied to sources to check them.
0 pts
This section was missing.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTwo peer-reviewed journal articles found
Student found two peer-reviewed journal articles that were relevant to the topic at hand in proper APA reference format.
2 pts
Nice work! 2 peer-reviewed articles found and shared in APA format.
0 pts
No Marks
You did not share two peer-reviewed sources in the correct format. Please see narrative notes for more details
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompare and Contrast
Student shared all three sources (1 popular media, 2 peer-reviewed articles) and talked about similarities and differences between sources.
10 pts
Nice work! You shared similarities for all three articles and any differences. This is a solid compare and contrast section!
7 pts
Good strong start here! You didn’t consider all three sources for both compare and contrast.
4 pts
You had only the compare or the contrast information and not in enough detail to show that you understood the materials.
0 pts
This section was missing.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication
Student clearly identified why this topic selected matters AND how to apply information learned from this assignment to the real world.
10 pts
You clearly shared both -why- the information you learned matter and -how- you can use the information going forward. Good scientific writing should always make it clear why things are important and how we can use it.
7 pts
You had a good start here but needed just a few more details to answer both -why- and -how-. Good scientific writing should always make it clear why things are important and how we can use it.
4 pts
You had a good attempt here but it wasn’t quite clear how or why we should care about the information presented. Good scientific writing should always make it clear why things are important and how we can use it.
0 pts
This section was missing
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Mechanics
Writing Mechanics: Used proper grammar, capitalization, and spelling.
5 pts
No more than one or two minor errors in either grammar, punctuation/capitalization, or spelling.
3.5 pts
2-4 minor errors noted. Be sure to read your paper out loud or use some of the resources available to help support your writing skills.
2.5 pts
Developing: Many minor errors present. I recommend using the writing center for paper reviews moving forward.
1 pts
More than five errors were noted that may have made your paper difficult to understand. Please use the writing center moving forward for assistance in paper writing.
0 pts
No Marks
Significant errors present. A re-write of the paper is needed. See comments for more detail.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format
Used the template provided, had a properly formatted reference page and used in-text citations appropriately. You cited an appropriate amount as expected as a beginning undergraduate psychology student.
6 pts
You had a reference section with all three properly formatted references and demonstrated the ability to use in text citations correctly.
4.8 pts
APA style and format are present, but with some minor errors. Please see summative comments for what they may be.
3.6 pts
More than two minor errors to the two references/ in-text citations were noted.
1.2 pts
Beginning: You attempted APA formatting but significant errors were present. See narrative summary for more detail.
0 pts
No Marks
Plagiarism is present which results in a 0 on the entire assignment. Please see comments for more detail.
6 pts

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