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The 3000 word report  need to be about diabetes between a certain age ie 45 to 6

May 20, 2024

The 3000 word report  need to be about diabetes between a certain age ie 45 to 65 in Murray Bridge South Australia…
Assessment Instructions
Assessment 2 involves developing a 15–20-minute video PowerPoint presentation to address your selected LOCAL community and target group’s health problem from assessment 1 (ePortfolio Part One: Developing a health problem statement).
You can design your own comprehensive primary health care initiative OR you can re-design/adapt an existing program or initiative to a comprehensive primary health care initiative into Australian context BUT your initiative MUST address your identified LOCAL community and target group’s health problem.
An oral or voice-over video presentation involves developing and recording a 15–20-minute video presentation (camera on- showing your face) in responses to the following areas:
1. Introduction: Stating the geographical location of a local Australian local community. Briefly introduce the local Australian local community target group’s health problem, health problem statement and how this health problem will be addressed by a comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Note: This assessment task is worth 5% and presentations should include Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country. These slides are included in the template presentation provided
2. Aim/Goal: Clearly state the aim/goal of the comprehensive primary health care initiative. Your aim/goal should focus on reducing the health problem for an affected target group of the population using the SMART criteria.
Note: This assessment task is worth 5% , the SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Therefore, a SMART goal incorporates all of these criteria to help focus your efforts and increase the chances of achieving your goal.
3. Prevention level: Identify the most appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative and briefly provide a rationale of why this is the most appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Note: This assessment task is worth 5% , please consider what prevention level would best address your health problem from assessment 1.
4. Health Strategies, Partners and Principles : Outline the health strategies (minimum of three strategies) with actions and partnership to support each health strategy of the comprehensive primary health care initiative. These strategies must relate to your initiative’s aim/goal. Identify the alignment each strategy has with the primary health care principles, WHO (1986) Ottawa Charter action areas and basic prerequisites (i.e. enable, advocate and mediate). Briefly discuss why this is a comprehensive primary health care initiative and the relevancy to nursing practice.
Note: This assessment task is worth 25% and your strategies must relate to your initiative aim or goal. i.e., a health strategy is a general plan of action to address the health problem and who may you partner or collaborate with in this initiative. Ideas for strategies can be: 1) behavioural/educational (developing personal skills); 2) environmental (supportive environments); 3) community action; 4) re-orientate health service and/or 5) Affiliated to Healthy Public Policy.
5. Evaluation and Outcome : For each health strategy, identify the most appropriate evaluation methods, aspect actions, tools, timeline with short-term outcome for each of the health strategies, which will assist with evaluating the comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Note: This assessment task is worth 10%, so consider how can this initiative be best evaluated? The short-term outcome must align with a initiative’s health strategy and support achieving your initiative aim or goal .
6. Reflection: Using a nursing practice reflection framework, reflect on your learning in this course (NURS 3045). State TWO subtopic areas in NURS 3045 primary health care, and ONE area on designing a comprehensive health care initiative (Assessment 2) that has enhanced your understanding of primary health care. Briefly describe why these THREE areas will enable you to work using a primary health care approach.
7. Conclusion: Summarise the specific health problem, relevancy to the target group, nursing practice and how the comprehensive primary health care initiative will address the target group’s health problem.
8. References: This assignment must contain a comprehensive list of references at end or your presentation. You need to integrate and use at least 11 quality academic sources. Must adhere to either Harvard Referencing Guidelines Harvard or APA 7
such as in-text referencing is required on the power point slides. A reference list is also required at the end of the presentation
9. Oral Presentation Style: you will need to be clear, well-paced speech, have a confident and professional presentation style, be concise presentation of all assessment criteria and video recorded presentation keeps within the time fame (15-20 minutes). Student camera was on during presentation and student video image is seen in the corner or on the side during the presentation of this assignment.
Note: This assessment task is worth 20%.
10. Writing and Presentation: your Microsoft PowerPoint slides need to ensure the text used in the slides is of appropriate size and readable by the audience; the text is of appropriate length and the colours of the background enhance the readability of the content; the content is well spaced with emphasis on headings and sub- headings; the use of pictures/graphs/other support material is clear; and you use academic writing, inclusive language, structure and sequence.
Note: This assessment task is worth 10%.
Submit your assignment in TWO files via the learnonline site which are:
1. a 20-30 minute oral presentation video recording file and
2. The PowerPoint presentation file
The minimum list of slides for your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, should include the following headings and/or subheadings:
Acknowledgement of Country or Welcome to Country slide should be included in your presentation.
Your comprehensive primary health care initiative will be assessed on the following criteria:
Camera – On
Acknowledgement of Country or Welcome to Country slide should be included in your presentation.
Prevention level
Health Strategies, Partners and Principles
Evaluation and Outcomes
Oral Presentation Style.
Presentation and Writing
The presentation you develop for the primary healthcare initiative should:
Contain PowerPoint slides and a voice-over narration that is appropriate for the intended audience
Clearly state and describe the purpose of your initiative (i.e., don’t assume that the audience has knowledge of your health problem and location).
You can use dot points; tables or graphs; pictures, images and graphics; power point design, transitions and animation feature.
Speaker notes are not a requirement but can accompanying your presentation, should be written in a style that is consistent with academic standards, and for an academic audience (i.e. lecturers and tutors).
Be creative with your PowerPoint design but remember:
Text used in the slides is of appropriate size, which is readable by the audience
Text is of appropriate length and the colours of the background enhance the readability of the content
Content is well spaced with emphasis on headings and sub-headings
Web accessibility
StuAssessment Instructions
Assessment 2 involves developing a 15–20-minute video PowerPoint presentation to address your selected LOCAL community and target group’s health problem from assessment 1 (ePortfolio Part One: Developing a health problem statement).
You can design your own comprehensive primary health care initiative OR you can re-design/adapt an existing program or initiative to a comprehensive primary health care initiative into Australian context BUT your initiative MUST address your identified LOCAL community and target group’s health problem.
An oral or voice-over video presentation involves developing and recording a 15–20-minute video presentation (camera on- showing your face) in responses to the following areas:
1. Introduction: Stating the geographical location of a local Australian local community. Briefly introduce the local Australian local community target group’s health problem, health problem statement and how this health problem will be addressed by a comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Note: This assessment task is worth 5% and presentations should include Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country. These slides are included in the template presentation provided
2. Aim/Goal: Clearly state the aim/goal of the comprehensive primary health care initiative. Your aim/goal should focus on reducing the health problem for an affected target group of the population using the SMART criteria.
Note: This assessment task is worth 5% , the SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Therefore, a SMART goal incorporates all of these criteria to help focus your efforts and increase the chances of achieving your goal.
3. Prevention level: Identify the most appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative and briefly provide a rationale of why this is the most appropriate prevention level for this comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Note: This assessment task is worth 5% , please consider what prevention level would best address your health problem from assessment 1.
4. Health Strategies, Partners and Principles : Outline the health strategies (minimum of three strategies) with actions and partnership to support each health strategy of the comprehensive primary health care initiative. These strategies must relate to your initiative’s aim/goal. Identify the alignment each strategy has with the primary health care principles, WHO (1986) Ottawa Charter action areas and basic prerequisites (i.e. enable, advocate and mediate). Briefly discuss why this is a comprehensive primary health care initiative and the relevancy to nursing practice.
Note: This assessment task is worth 25% and your strategies must relate to your initiative aim or goal. i.e., a health strategy is a general plan of action to address the health problem and who may you partner or collaborate with in this initiative. Ideas for strategies can be: 1) behavioural/educational (developing personal skills); 2) environmental (supportive environments); 3) community action; 4) re-orientate health service and/or 5) Affiliated to Healthy Public Policy.
5. Evaluation and Outcome : For each health strategy, identify the most appropriate evaluation methods, aspect actions, tools, timeline with short-term outcome for each of the health strategies, which will assist with evaluating the comprehensive primary health care initiative.
Note: This assessment task is worth 10%, so consider how can this initiative be best evaluated? The short-term outcome must align with a initiative’s health strategy and support achieving your initiative aim or goal .
6. Reflection: Using a nursing practice reflection framework, reflect on your learning in this course (NURS 3045). State TWO subtopic areas in NURS 3045 primary health care, and ONE area on designing a comprehensive health care initiative (Assessment 2) that has enhanced your understanding of primary health care. Briefly describe why these THREE areas will enable you to work using a primary health care approach.
Note: This assessment task is worth 10%.
7. Conclusion: Summarise the specific health problem, relevancy to the target group, nursing practice and how the comprehensive primary health care initiative will address the target group’s health problem
8. References: This assignment must contain a comprehensive list of references at end or your presentation. You need to integrate and use at least 8 quality academic sources. Must adhere to either Harvard Referencing Guidelines UniSA or APA 7
Note: This assessment task is worth 5%, such as in-text referencing is required on the power point slides. A reference list is also required at the end of the presentation
10. Writing and Presentation: your Microsoft PowerPoint slides need to ensure the text used in the slides is of appropriate size and readable by the audience; the text is of appropriate length and the colours of the background enhance the readability of the content; the content is well spaced with emphasis on headings and sub- headings; the use of pictures/graphs/other support material is clear; and you use academic writing, inclusive language, structure and sequence.
Note: This assessment task is worth 10%.
Submit your assignment in TWO files via the learnonline site which are:
1. a 15-20 minute oral presentation video recording file and
2. The PowerPoint presentation file
The minimum list of slides for your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, should include the following headings and/or subheadings:
Acknowledgement of Country or Welcome to Country slide should be included in your presentation.
Aim or Goal
Prevention Level
Health Strategies, Partners and Principles
Evaluation and Outcomes
Assignment File (Microsoft PowerPoint), for assistance, please following learnonline Student Help instructions – Assessment: Submit Assignment Files.
Video Assignment – Your assignment required you to produce and submit media such as video, this course has been set it up so that you can submit via the Media Library. The media library will accept common digital video formats such as MP4, WMV, MOV etc and this is done seamlessly because of the way that this tool is integrated with learnonline and knows the difference between a regular and media assignment. It will automatically provide you with the correct interface to upload your media assignment. Please following learnonline Student Help instructions – Assessment: Submit a Video Assignment that will demonstrate how to upload a media assignment correctly.
Reminder: If you need IT assistance, please see Student ASKIT https://i.unisa.edu.au/askit/students/
Your comprehensive primary health care initiative will be assessed on the following criteria:
Camera – On
Acknowledgement of Country or Welcome to Country slide should be included in your presentation.
Prevention level
Health Strategies, Partners and Principles
Evaluation and Outcomes
Oral Presentation Style.
Presentation and Writing

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